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Maybe you're correct Spooky. Maybe it's the gameplay. I guess maybe I don't like the type of play where you have to explore and get stars/coins, etc. Or maybe its that combined with "cartoonish" graphics that I don't like. But I think its a combination of all these things. Because I am sure someone can argue each point and name a game that has the same feature.

Though again, in my limited exposure to the current/new games of the past 10 years - that this is the type of game that are "aimed" at kids (kids = under 18) - eg. Super Mario - though adults may also like them.

Not that I am against Super Mario, it is just the only game that I at least know of.

By the way, the 2D airplane/helicopter game like Raiden, Blackhawk Striker (free for a limited time with my HP PC) is the kind of game I am looking for.
I do have Raiden 3 for PS2 (bought it for $35) though itI wasn't the best.

I do like sports games, but only if its co-op (hockey, basketball).

Also, is there a co-op FPS (split screen) - campaign/mission modeon the X360? Preferably WW2? If not, then Sci-Fi or Modern will be OK too.