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games lightbleeder? genres?

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I'm 15 male and my favorite games are in this order (up till 5)

 1: Starcraft the game that brought me into gaming 

 2: Final Fantasy VI it got the best gaming music ever

3: The Legend of Zelda Ocerina of Time great music and great controls

4: Donkey Kong Country this guy is much cooler than Mario 

5: Dead or Alive 3 best figthing game ever


As you can see must of those games are old and that's because I love to play retro games or I think that the best games was made on that time. I liked FPS before but then I realized that they were to easy. I like RPG even though I have not completed that many RPG's, Strategy games are my passion if their good a good strategy game can hold you for sevral year's. Fighting games are also very fun cause my friends never gets good with all the characters while I do. Platformers well the 2D was the best, but I'm enjoying Super Mario Galaxy. Racing well there was a time some of those games were good but now only Mariokart is good.

These are the consoles I own and have owned



Gameboy Advance 






I see myself as very retro since I love to play old games. Graphics don't matter so much for me the Gamplay and Music is important for me. The story is also important but not a must. I don't look at my self as very hardcore but the deffnition of hardcore is still not known either.

Think twice before helping a friend in need.

bumidan said:
Oh by the way, what is RTS on consoles? I know Command and Conquer.
However, I think RTS is more for PC - because it has a mouse and makes it easier to click different areas quickly.

Over 30M - only 1/3 - liked Mario type games

What is your favored game in those genres endurance?
dazmando - so far an exception - re: Mario Galaxy. What is your current games on those other genres? And do they have lower priority in terms of play compared to Galaxy?

well the only rts i have played is pikmen which was good but not one of my favorite,and i also play pc games thats why i listed rts

bumidan said:
I dont know how to put an avatar. Or more accurately I haven't looked at it and figured it out yet.

at the user control panel(which is located at the near top left of the page)select edit profile,then you have to choose profile theme and picture,and you cant put it there

and unless you were talking about consoles only then i would remove rts and say my least favorite is fighting genres(with the exception of smash bros(which is also a party game,but genred as fighting))

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Actually you did pretty good topic, too bad it has been mostly unnoticed. Actually i find it strange, that guy at your age doesn't like Mario, because it looks "kiddy", but that's propably because you're "new" to gaming.
You got one Mario fan to 30+ group, when John Lucas arrives. His favourite genre is games made by Nintendo.

By the way, what i find interesting, is that there's two completely diffent group playing shooters, people above 30 play WW2 shooters (starts to be a really boring genre) and people at age 10-20, who play sci-fi shooters (as milked as the WW2).

Me: Male 28 (you can count it to 29 if you want, since it's 1 month to my birthday). And have been gaming for two decades.

Favored current game would be Super Mario Galaxy.

I don't have any genre that i would favor over any other, except i'm not in to shooters or sports games. But that's propably because they both are so milked genres, with similar games, which are mostly made as quick cash-ins. I do like some shooters, like Doom (had it on SNES), and loved Turok (N64).

Sports games i like, have been mostly football games, propably the best in that genre have been Konamis International Superstar Soccer, also the N64 game was great, but they managed to spoil that series in the 6th generation consoles. Although, i'm planning of buying Mario Strikers Charged some day. Oh, and Wii sports is definately a great sports game.

From racing games, F-Zero, Wawe Race and Mario Kart (series for all) are definately my favourites, and the first Gran Turismo.

Action/adventure i would say, that Zelda and Metroid series are the best (Prime 3 tops all FP games on any platform with it's controls). I loved 2D Megamans.

Favourite RPG:s would be Pokemons. They usually are a bit too easy, but they have the most advanced fighting mechanics.

Figting games today are only the Super Smash Bros. Thir genre has been really funny, basically everytime a new idea have arrived, old ones have felt like crap. First figting game i played was Urban Champion, felt like crap after Street Fighter, then Mortal Kombat tops it, after that Killer Instinct, then Virtua Fighter, and the last one was (is) Super Smash bros.

I do find a lot of games i want to play from Virtual Console, some of what i have played earlier and some what i haven't yet played.

Basically i'm open to new ideas for games, while constant repetition gets me bored.

Looking at my favourite games, it's no wonder i have Nintendo consoles.

Anyway, i was pretty much bored with gaming before Wii and DS. But somehow they got me exited of gaming again.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

20, male and i don't really have a favourite genre, i would say I don't like traditional sports games though, and generally I don't like platformers (with the exception of Mario and if it is classed as one Banjo Kazooie)
Also i'm not sure i have ever really tried RTS or i am not quite sure what they entail...I imagine i have encountered elements of it in some games but wouldn't have known what it is.

If you want to see what games people play....try clicking on the username, a growing number of us have added games to our profiles....If you click on mine you will see it is all Nintendo (but only because none of the MegaDrive games i own have been added yet) and i think it looks kind of Action/racing/shooting oriented, but i certainly like other genres (usually weird games like pilotwings and blast corps that dont properly fit into a genre are things i like)

I dont find platformers kiddy. I just dont like the gameplay mechanics. Sometimes I do see the artsyle aimed at a young demographic but for the most part I find the artstyles of platformers in general to just be plain old unatractive/unrealistic.

The main difference in Western vs Japaneese RPG has to do with storyline (which is the most important aspect of the genre to me), presentation, and artstyle. Some of these are generaliztions and dont apply to all JRPGS but they dont apply to western RPGs at all.

There is ussually a slant to Japaneese Storylines that I just dont get its a cultural difference. I dont like any Gia earthmother type influences. I like RPGS that parallel the storys in the science fiction and fantasy novels I read. JRPGS storylines are nowhere close to my taste in fiction.

Another major turn off for me is non realistic artstyles,light hearted animesqe influences, giant mouths when yelling, laughing, crying, giant guns, giant swords, pink/purple/spikey hair, and a general non serious tone to some JRPGs.

When it comes to playstyle I have never played a JRPG that was not turnbased. I have nothing aginst turnbased gameplay but JRPGS all seem to be the same weird camera angles followed by attack with numbers flashing above heads rinse and repeat formula. Its gotten a bit stale to me. Id rather replay Fallout.

As to shooter WWII vs Sci-fi. I'm 31 and prefer Sci-fi, Modern Realistic, Historical in that order.

I think your gonna have a hardtime firmly placing anyone into a rigid set of likes and dislikes based on age. Although you may get some good generalizations.

bdbdbd said:
Actually you did pretty good topic, too bad it has been mostly unnoticed. Actually i find it strange, that guy at your age doesn't like Mario, because it looks "kiddy", but that's propably because you're "new" to gaming.
You got one Mario fan to 30+ group, when John Lucas arrives. His favourite genre is games made by Nintendo.

By the way, what i find interesting, is that there's two completely diffent group playing shooters, people above 30 play WW2 shooters (starts to be a really boring genre) and people at age 10-20, who play sci-fi shooters (as milked as the WW2).

Me: Male 28 (you can count it to 29 if you want, since it's 1 month to my birthday). And have been gaming for two decades.

Favored current game would be Super Mario Galaxy.

I don't have any genre that i would favor over any other, except i'm not in to shooters or sports games. But that's propably because they both are so milked genres, with similar games, which are mostly made as quick cash-ins. I do like some shooters, like Doom (had it on SNES), and loved Turok (N64).

Sports games i like, have been mostly football games, propably the best in that genre have been Konamis International Superstar Soccer, also the N64 game was great, but they managed to spoil that series in the 6th generation consoles. Although, i'm planning of buying Mario Strikers Charged some day. Oh, and Wii sports is definately a great sports game.

From racing games, F-Zero, Wawe Race and Mario Kart (series for all) are definately my favourites, and the first Gran Turismo.

Action/adventure i would say, that Zelda and Metroid series are the best (Prime 3 tops all FP games on any platform with it's controls). I loved 2D Megamans.

Favourite RPG:s would be Pokemons. They usually are a bit too easy, but they have the most advanced fighting mechanics.

Figting games today are only the Super Smash Bros. Thir genre has been really funny, basically everytime a new idea have arrived, old ones have felt like crap. First figting game i played was Urban Champion, felt like crap after Street Fighter, then Mortal Kombat tops it, after that Killer Instinct, then Virtua Fighter, and the last one was (is) Super Smash bros.

I do find a lot of games i want to play from Virtual Console, some of what i have played earlier and some what i haven't yet played.

Basically i'm open to new ideas for games, while constant repetition gets me bored.

Looking at my favourite games, it's no wonder i have Nintendo consoles.

Anyway, i was pretty much bored with gaming before Wii and DS. But somehow they got me exited of gaming again.

yeah this thread needs more noticing(that was a secret bump)

28 male

My background is very similar to you. Played lots of Street Fighter and Mario as a kid.

Now that I am older I still love Mario. My wife and I preferred the 2d platformers but still enjoy the 3d ones. To me most of them are more like adventure games. I am only lukewarm on Zelda, but love RPGs for their superior depth. The genre we buy most is party games as we are always playing the gamecube/wii/xbox with friends.

I can't stand first person shooters. Even on a widescreen tv they make me feel like I have blinders on and the perspective seems entirely unrealistic. I do like some adult genres like horror particularly Resident Evil and SIlent Hill games,

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt