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I'm 15 male and my favorite games are in this order (up till 5)

 1: Starcraft the game that brought me into gaming 

 2: Final Fantasy VI it got the best gaming music ever

3: The Legend of Zelda Ocerina of Time great music and great controls

4: Donkey Kong Country this guy is much cooler than Mario 

5: Dead or Alive 3 best figthing game ever


As you can see must of those games are old and that's because I love to play retro games or I think that the best games was made on that time. I liked FPS before but then I realized that they were to easy. I like RPG even though I have not completed that many RPG's, Strategy games are my passion if their good a good strategy game can hold you for sevral year's. Fighting games are also very fun cause my friends never gets good with all the characters while I do. Platformers well the 2D was the best, but I'm enjoying Super Mario Galaxy. Racing well there was a time some of those games were good but now only Mariokart is good.

These are the consoles I own and have owned



Gameboy Advance 






I see myself as very retro since I love to play old games. Graphics don't matter so much for me the Gamplay and Music is important for me. The story is also important but not a must. I don't look at my self as very hardcore but the deffnition of hardcore is still not known either.

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