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20, male and i don't really have a favourite genre, i would say I don't like traditional sports games though, and generally I don't like platformers (with the exception of Mario and if it is classed as one Banjo Kazooie)
Also i'm not sure i have ever really tried RTS or i am not quite sure what they entail...I imagine i have encountered elements of it in some games but wouldn't have known what it is.

If you want to see what games people play....try clicking on the username, a growing number of us have added games to our profiles....If you click on mine you will see it is all Nintendo (but only because none of the MegaDrive games i own have been added yet) and i think it looks kind of Action/racing/shooting oriented, but i certainly like other genres (usually weird games like pilotwings and blast corps that dont properly fit into a genre are things i like)