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I dont find platformers kiddy. I just dont like the gameplay mechanics. Sometimes I do see the artsyle aimed at a young demographic but for the most part I find the artstyles of platformers in general to just be plain old unatractive/unrealistic.

The main difference in Western vs Japaneese RPG has to do with storyline (which is the most important aspect of the genre to me), presentation, and artstyle. Some of these are generaliztions and dont apply to all JRPGS but they dont apply to western RPGs at all.

There is ussually a slant to Japaneese Storylines that I just dont get its a cultural difference. I dont like any Gia earthmother type influences. I like RPGS that parallel the storys in the science fiction and fantasy novels I read. JRPGS storylines are nowhere close to my taste in fiction.

Another major turn off for me is non realistic artstyles,light hearted animesqe influences, giant mouths when yelling, laughing, crying, giant guns, giant swords, pink/purple/spikey hair, and a general non serious tone to some JRPGs.

When it comes to playstyle I have never played a JRPG that was not turnbased. I have nothing aginst turnbased gameplay but JRPGS all seem to be the same weird camera angles followed by attack with numbers flashing above heads rinse and repeat formula. Its gotten a bit stale to me. Id rather replay Fallout.

As to shooter WWII vs Sci-fi. I'm 31 and prefer Sci-fi, Modern Realistic, Historical in that order.

I think your gonna have a hardtime firmly placing anyone into a rigid set of likes and dislikes based on age. Although you may get some good generalizations.