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Forums - Sales Discussion - Early Famitsu Sales 3/8 - 3/14

Take these with a grain of salt. They have been pretty accurate for the past weeks though.

Pokemon Ranger Tracks of Light [NDS] - 68k
Brave: 3D [PSP] - 40k
Dynasty Warriors Multiraid 2 [PSP] - 40k
Battlefield Bad company 2 [PS3] - 30k
Battlefield Bad company 2 [360] - 19k
RPG Maker [NDS] - 24k
Absolute Hero [PSP] - 23k

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

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Somewhat impressive number for Bad Company 360. It didn't even chart in the Japan preview. Of course that's assuming these are accurate. Best to just wait for official numbers.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

Oh shit! If that's really Hero's 1st week, R.I.P. Nippon Ichi. :/

Multiraid 2 did pretty bad, as expected. everything else is okay(ish) tho...

Battlefield Bad company 2 [360] - 19k

colour me impressed and stunned.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

this numbers n MHP3 confirmed.....nice week for PSP

                                                                                           ↑ drawn by Tino Vainamoinen aka ex-NFG.  thx 

へんたい from japan, english is suck,so plain english plz.  thx

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taq1109 said:
this numbers n MHP3 confirmed.....nice week for PSP

Uh, what?  All 3 of those PSP games underperformed? :/

oh sorry,i didnt know about those sales are fail. anyway PSP never die as long as MH least in japan.

                                                                                           ↑ drawn by Tino Vainamoinen aka ex-NFG.  thx 

へんたい from japan, english is suck,so plain english plz.  thx

taq1109 said:
oh sorry,i didnt know about those sales are fail. anyway PSP never die as long as MH least in japan.

Yeah, MHP3 alone pretty much assures PSP's going to have a great year.  PSP's got some other attractive titles though with MGS Peace Walker and (probably) Agito FFXIII too this year.


As for this week's PSP titles, here they are compared to the previous installments or dev efforts 1st week...


  • DW Strikeforce (2009) 227,309
  • DW Strikeforce 2 (2010) 40,000 (BOMB)
  • Badman 2 (2009) 62,224
  • Badman 3D (2010) 40,000 (decline)
  • Disgaea 3 (2008) 56,441
  • Absolute Hero (2010) 23,000 (R.I.P.N.I.S.)


@ Jarrod, Disgaea 3is a known franchise with a pretty hardcore fanbase while Absolute Hero is not only a new franchise but also from a pretty niche genre (ditto for Disgaea). Those number aren't great but is it really a bomb?

mibuokami said:

@ Jarrod, Disgaea 3is a known franchise with a pretty hardcore fanbase while Absolute Hero is not only a new franchise but also from a pretty niche genre (ditto for Disgaea). Those number aren't great but is it really a bomb?

Yeah, the preliminary first numbers condemn it to death and will send NIS to death.

Honestly, though. It's not going to do as well as Disagaea 3. It doesn't really need to though. No way the game had a high budget. It's a SRPG built for the PSP.

EDIT: Although, I will say. Even if these numbers are off. There's no way Strikeforce 2 can do well. That's pretty terrible.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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