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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Mass Effect and Halo hate

Nintendo games aren't really known for story, is anyone actually gonna disagree with this? Nintendo currently only makes two epic series (Zelda and Metroid Prime) neither's story is the focus.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

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I think expectations were really high. Halo 3 and Mass Effect were expected to push the XBox 360 hardware to its limits considering the amount of time the hardware has been on the market, their huge development budgets, it's easier to get the most out of the hardware (on the PS3 it takes more effort to move processes over to the SPEs to see huge gains) and these are 1st party exclusives for the platform so they don't need to make sacrifices to suit other platforms.

Halo 3 is being rendered in 640p and offering no AA (one of the EDRAM most talked about benefits) and Mass Effect has severe framerate issues:

Australian (PALGN) review: "The frame-rate drops constantly; if it was every now and then it might not be a big issue, but it’s frequent to say the least. Textures don’t always load properly either, and we experienced the game locking up on occasion for a few seconds at a time, which can be extremely frustrating, especially in combat."

Eurogamer: "Although it underpins the game with all sorts of excellent ideas that ought to make it a deeper, more intelligent and immersive experience, the simple truth is that the minute-to-minute combat simply isn't as intense and involving as you'd expect from a game in 2007. Throw in some grumbles about the somewhat unoptimised state of the frame-rate, texture pop-in and v-syncing terrors, and it's a game that just falls short of our expectations."

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

mrstickball said:
Sigh. Let me take the side of the anti-hyped games, and such.

I think with any game, it comes down to a few sensibilities about a given game:

With an ultra-highly rated, revolutionary game in a given genre that someone loves (ie, a WRPG fan being madly in love with Mass Effect, or a FPS person liking Halo 3 and Bioshock), we have come to have a deep-rooted respect for the given game.

So when someone dissents out of personal opinion, it attacks our strong feelings about our enjoyment of a game. Millions of people spend vastly more time on Halo 3 than probably every single Wii game combined around the world. Yet despite that, Halo 3 isn't the be-all end-all of games. It has it's flaws, but also has a great multiplayer environment. However, not everyone likes that.

Mass Effect is the same way. It has a ton of shooter elements in it. Approaching Mass Effect, I have always been leary of the idea of adding too much TPS elements, and muddying the waters of what a quality RPG is. Now, in my case, I'm trying to get beyond that (ie, an elongated Gears of War with quests). However, for some, they cannot get beyond that, as it stabs their beloved Final Fantasy, and such in the back.

I've experienced something just as heinous: all the Blue Dragon bashing. It's a near-flawless gem of a Japanese RPG. Nearly perfect in every way, backed by a rabid fanbase of owners that realize how truely awesome this RPG is. Despite this, it's had bad reviews (77% avg), and alot of stupid bashing from these forums. Does it make me mad? Of course it does, expecially when idiots attack it that don't realize that they're missing out on a Dragon Quest and/or Final Fantasy-level RPG.

But then I realize: it really shouldn't matter what other's think. The people that bash these games DO NOT OWN A 360. Not only that, they'll never buy one: they're too stupid to do that. Because of that, I can't worry. They are just going to have to miss out on the fantastic library of games that they'd probably love if they got off their N-tard or Sonyfan rockers, and tried the library. Likewise, I am sure I miss a few great Wii games with my bias to the X360.

That's just life. Get over it. The X360, from reviewers, is the king of quality gaming. If the 60% of people on this forum that consider the Wii the best system of the next gen's + handhelds want to ignore and bash the X360, that's fine. I'm the one laughing because I haven't had a video game drought since the X360 launched. They have had to trudge through crap game after crap game thrown at them.

So in the end, I smile. I get Mass Effect, they don't. And that's the sweetest victory: denying your enemy a chance to enjoy themselves as they play Mario Party 8 and their Boogie-esque games while I enjoy Sakaguchi and Mass Effect.


Extreme fanboyism at its greatest. Calling people stupid for not buying Xbox360? That's desperate. And that's coming from a console where almost all good games come to the PC. Really makes you think.

Whenever you get a game with as much quality as SSBB, you could start talking again. Otherwise, I really suggest you stop trying to justify your bias with points "like denying your enemy a chance to enjoy themselves as they play Mario Party 8 and their Boogie-esque games while I enjoy Sakaguchi and Mass Effect". Enemy? I feel sorry for you.


I said people were too stupid to buy a X360 because they argue about it (like you do), all the time about what games it doesn't have, totally ignoring half of the library that's there.

It gets really fusterating when we have a thread about how Atlus is now making X360 games, only to get sieged by Wii fans, saying how much better the Wii RPG lineup is, ignoring the Wii has 2 RPGs out now (Pokemon Battle Rev, Fire Emblem) and maybe Dragon Fable if it's considered, ignoring the fact the X360 has over 10 right now, and just as many announced for 08. I consider that sheer stupidity.

I don't have a problem with people that enjoy the Wii. There are great games that I'd love to play - SMG, SPM, MP3, and Zelda: TP. Nevertheless, there are maybe 4 games I'll never get to play on the Wii vs. the 20 or so games that are fantastic for the X360 that will never, ever come to the Wii.

So I do consider people crazy and dumb for attacking the X360, it's lineup, it's games, and everything else when it has so many fantastic, great games. Now, if you prefer the lineup the Wii has, chock full of minigames and maybe 4-5 good titles on the Wii, feel absolutely free to. I just still think your crazy.

And again: I am just lashing out because it seems like every time we try to have a civil discussion about the Xbox 360, it's games, and such, we see 50 Wii owners come here that have no interest in the Xbox 360, attack the X360. It's pitiful. I never, ever have gone to the Wii forums and started attacking the Wii. If I say anything, it's in here, away from the Nintendo fans, because I really don't think that going to someone else's forum attacking them is smart (and it's the true definition of trolling).

I guess your idea of "quality" for SSBB is totally subjective. That game isn't even out yet. Not only this, when one of your top-selling games is going to be Mario Party 8, and not Super Mario Galaxy, I think your userbase is absolutely crazy. Very few, if any games above 80% reviews on the X360 have failed to hit 1m units sold worldwide. Whereas on the Wii, the top-10 is almost entirely made up of poorly reviewed (both user and critically) games. How crazy is that!?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

And mass effect is out. Right.
I'll check out all the games you buy for your Xbox360 with my PC. Then we will see who is stupid.

edit : disregard that last sentence, I was a bit mad you called me stupid. Doesn't mean I have to do the same. 

At the end of the day I get to play both Wii games and Xbox360 games, while you have to stick to your Xbox360 games because you are "smart". Oh and with superior controls too.

Oh and by the way, if someone is wrong to come out and attack Xbox360 and its owners, I guess it is wrong for you to do the same too.

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Gorge, where exactly did I call you out for being stupid? I said there were alot of stupid Wii owners that would never consider the X360 for crazy reasons, and not valid ones. It's the same excuse that others can have for any system X vs. System y.

Also, Gorge, you need to remember: this is a Xbox 360 forum. Not a Wii forum. If you want to discuss the Wii, goto the Wii forums.

And finally, if you want to wait for ME to come out on PC, be my guest. But how would you feel knowing Super Mario Galaxy would come out 2 years later on PC? Wouldn't you at all care that it never came to the X360, PS3, or such at the same time? Most of the X360 games that are ported to PC, or from PC, never come console-side at all. We view games that are X360/PC to be exclusive, because you can't goto gamestop and buy any other console for the game.

Not only that, I'm on the other side: I can't afford a $500 upgrade to my computer every year to play the lastest game....Which is why I own a X360. I love PC games, and some of the ones I want badly (Oblivion) came to X360 day-and-date, and I paid very little vs. upgrading my computer, or buying a new one.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

You were the one who brought up Wii owners weren't you?
I was just reading until I saw that. And I interperted the first sentence "I said people were too stupid to buy a X360 because they argue about it (like you do), all the time about what games it doesn't have, totally ignoring half of the library that's there." as you calling me specificaly stupid. And Bioshock came out pretty quick. I didn't need to upgrade my almost 2 year old computer.
Regardless, I agreed with your other points, just didn't appreciate being called stupid.


I was calling some of the generalist population that tend to take issue with the X360 library as being "poor and weak", whilst promoting Nintendo titles such as Mario Party and Boogie, which I see as dumb.

Are you in that catagory, gorge? If not, it wasn't meant for you. I wasn't meaning to call any specific Wii owner out. I was meaning it as a generalist statement to the hate that Mass Effect and Halo 3 get from some Nintendo Nationalists that seem to strike out against anything Microsoft, or non-Nintendo. If you aren't in that camp, I'm not meaning to you.

As for my quote:

I've experienced something just as heinous: all the Blue Dragon bashing. It's a near-flawless gem of a Japanese RPG. Nearly perfect in every way, backed by a rabid fanbase of owners that realize how truely awesome this RPG is. Despite this, it's had bad reviews (77% avg), and alot of stupid bashing from these forums. Does it make me mad? Of course it does, expecially when idiots attack it that don't realize that they're missing out on a Dragon Quest and/or Final Fantasy-level RPG.

But then I realize: it really shouldn't matter what other's think. The people that bash these games DO NOT OWN A 360. Not only that, they'll never buy one: they're too stupid to do that. Because of that, I can't worry. They are just going to have to miss out on the fantastic library of games that they'd probably love if they got off their N-tard or Sonyfan rockers, and tried the library. Likewise, I am sure I miss a few great Wii games with my bias to the X360.

Those are the only 2 times I brought up the word "stupid". Neither of which mentioned Wii owners. The first one I called stupid, were the people not giving Blue Dragon a chance since it was traditional. I used that word, because I feel their crazy for not trying one of the best games ever (I am sure many people feel the same way about people that haven't played RE4Wii yet).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

And the second stupid:

In that, I didn't call Wii owners that didn't want a X360 stupid. I just said those that dislike the X360 lineup. That could be a Wii, PS, or old Xbox owner. Or PC-elitist too. I think your taking my statements and twisting them, georgpir, then attacking me because your getting offended by statements I made about people in general.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

maybe I misunderstood you then,I guess