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mrstickball said:
Sigh. Let me take the side of the anti-hyped games, and such.

I think with any game, it comes down to a few sensibilities about a given game:

With an ultra-highly rated, revolutionary game in a given genre that someone loves (ie, a WRPG fan being madly in love with Mass Effect, or a FPS person liking Halo 3 and Bioshock), we have come to have a deep-rooted respect for the given game.

So when someone dissents out of personal opinion, it attacks our strong feelings about our enjoyment of a game. Millions of people spend vastly more time on Halo 3 than probably every single Wii game combined around the world. Yet despite that, Halo 3 isn't the be-all end-all of games. It has it's flaws, but also has a great multiplayer environment. However, not everyone likes that.

Mass Effect is the same way. It has a ton of shooter elements in it. Approaching Mass Effect, I have always been leary of the idea of adding too much TPS elements, and muddying the waters of what a quality RPG is. Now, in my case, I'm trying to get beyond that (ie, an elongated Gears of War with quests). However, for some, they cannot get beyond that, as it stabs their beloved Final Fantasy, and such in the back.

I've experienced something just as heinous: all the Blue Dragon bashing. It's a near-flawless gem of a Japanese RPG. Nearly perfect in every way, backed by a rabid fanbase of owners that realize how truely awesome this RPG is. Despite this, it's had bad reviews (77% avg), and alot of stupid bashing from these forums. Does it make me mad? Of course it does, expecially when idiots attack it that don't realize that they're missing out on a Dragon Quest and/or Final Fantasy-level RPG.

But then I realize: it really shouldn't matter what other's think. The people that bash these games DO NOT OWN A 360. Not only that, they'll never buy one: they're too stupid to do that. Because of that, I can't worry. They are just going to have to miss out on the fantastic library of games that they'd probably love if they got off their N-tard or Sonyfan rockers, and tried the library. Likewise, I am sure I miss a few great Wii games with my bias to the X360.

That's just life. Get over it. The X360, from reviewers, is the king of quality gaming. If the 60% of people on this forum that consider the Wii the best system of the next gen's + handhelds want to ignore and bash the X360, that's fine. I'm the one laughing because I haven't had a video game drought since the X360 launched. They have had to trudge through crap game after crap game thrown at them.

So in the end, I smile. I get Mass Effect, they don't. And that's the sweetest victory: denying your enemy a chance to enjoy themselves as they play Mario Party 8 and their Boogie-esque games while I enjoy Sakaguchi and Mass Effect.


Extreme fanboyism at its greatest. Calling people stupid for not buying Xbox360? That's desperate. And that's coming from a console where almost all good games come to the PC. Really makes you think.

Whenever you get a game with as much quality as SSBB, you could start talking again. Otherwise, I really suggest you stop trying to justify your bias with points "like denying your enemy a chance to enjoy themselves as they play Mario Party 8 and their Boogie-esque games while I enjoy Sakaguchi and Mass Effect". Enemy? I feel sorry for you.