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I said people were too stupid to buy a X360 because they argue about it (like you do), all the time about what games it doesn't have, totally ignoring half of the library that's there.

It gets really fusterating when we have a thread about how Atlus is now making X360 games, only to get sieged by Wii fans, saying how much better the Wii RPG lineup is, ignoring the Wii has 2 RPGs out now (Pokemon Battle Rev, Fire Emblem) and maybe Dragon Fable if it's considered, ignoring the fact the X360 has over 10 right now, and just as many announced for 08. I consider that sheer stupidity.

I don't have a problem with people that enjoy the Wii. There are great games that I'd love to play - SMG, SPM, MP3, and Zelda: TP. Nevertheless, there are maybe 4 games I'll never get to play on the Wii vs. the 20 or so games that are fantastic for the X360 that will never, ever come to the Wii.

So I do consider people crazy and dumb for attacking the X360, it's lineup, it's games, and everything else when it has so many fantastic, great games. Now, if you prefer the lineup the Wii has, chock full of minigames and maybe 4-5 good titles on the Wii, feel absolutely free to. I just still think your crazy.

And again: I am just lashing out because it seems like every time we try to have a civil discussion about the Xbox 360, it's games, and such, we see 50 Wii owners come here that have no interest in the Xbox 360, attack the X360. It's pitiful. I never, ever have gone to the Wii forums and started attacking the Wii. If I say anything, it's in here, away from the Nintendo fans, because I really don't think that going to someone else's forum attacking them is smart (and it's the true definition of trolling).

I guess your idea of "quality" for SSBB is totally subjective. That game isn't even out yet. Not only this, when one of your top-selling games is going to be Mario Party 8, and not Super Mario Galaxy, I think your userbase is absolutely crazy. Very few, if any games above 80% reviews on the X360 have failed to hit 1m units sold worldwide. Whereas on the Wii, the top-10 is almost entirely made up of poorly reviewed (both user and critically) games. How crazy is that!?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.