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I was calling some of the generalist population that tend to take issue with the X360 library as being "poor and weak", whilst promoting Nintendo titles such as Mario Party and Boogie, which I see as dumb.

Are you in that catagory, gorge? If not, it wasn't meant for you. I wasn't meaning to call any specific Wii owner out. I was meaning it as a generalist statement to the hate that Mass Effect and Halo 3 get from some Nintendo Nationalists that seem to strike out against anything Microsoft, or non-Nintendo. If you aren't in that camp, I'm not meaning to you.

As for my quote:

I've experienced something just as heinous: all the Blue Dragon bashing. It's a near-flawless gem of a Japanese RPG. Nearly perfect in every way, backed by a rabid fanbase of owners that realize how truely awesome this RPG is. Despite this, it's had bad reviews (77% avg), and alot of stupid bashing from these forums. Does it make me mad? Of course it does, expecially when idiots attack it that don't realize that they're missing out on a Dragon Quest and/or Final Fantasy-level RPG.

But then I realize: it really shouldn't matter what other's think. The people that bash these games DO NOT OWN A 360. Not only that, they'll never buy one: they're too stupid to do that. Because of that, I can't worry. They are just going to have to miss out on the fantastic library of games that they'd probably love if they got off their N-tard or Sonyfan rockers, and tried the library. Likewise, I am sure I miss a few great Wii games with my bias to the X360.

Those are the only 2 times I brought up the word "stupid". Neither of which mentioned Wii owners. The first one I called stupid, were the people not giving Blue Dragon a chance since it was traditional. I used that word, because I feel their crazy for not trying one of the best games ever (I am sure many people feel the same way about people that haven't played RE4Wii yet).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.