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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 sales hit 3 million !!

Hus said: PS360N64PSXBOX said: do you really think its fair to compare Japan to over 30 plus countries that make up that region? I am basing my numbers off of single countries not whole regions. Unless you see Europe as a country. that the advantage of EU continent is becoming one BIG ass place of business, not individual.
I noticed. They were so close to being a single country last year..

Predicting the Future - 360 Will get to 11 Million in the USA this year!!

Predicting the Future - Wii will NOT win this gen in America!!

Prediciting the Future - The PS3 will pass the Wii by 2009!!

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PS360N64PSXBOX said: Hus said: PS360N64PSXBOX said: do you really think its fair to compare Japan to over 30 plus countries that make up that region? I am basing my numbers off of single countries not whole regions. Unless you see Europe as a country. that the advantage of EU continent is becoming one BIG ass place of business, not individual. I noticed. They were so close to being a single country last year..
that will never happen , but one big business indentity sure.

mrstickball said: Even if German households only have a console 1/10th of the time, thats still alot of consoles to sell. Also, the sales in Germany should increase as per capita income continues to increase in east german territories....Even though it's almost 20 years after the collapse, there still can be some strides made in that territory for capita. It really doesn't matter even if 1/10th of every European household had a gaming system...It's nearly twice the size of the US and 4 times the size of Japan. It's like saying "if 1 in 10 Chinese and Indian households owned a system it wouldn't be important since in the US/Japan it's 1 in 3" It's difficult to get numbers in each individual European country, as none are really large enough (sales wise) to allow for individual tracking services - the UK has one, and thats most of what it is. Nevertheless, I believe the major strides this cycle for console sales will be made in China, India and Europe, regardless of Blue Ocean. Blue Ocean still caters to the developed gaming world and not the developing world.
Germany isn't a game friendly place. UK is awesome place, no complaints there.

Predicting the Future - 360 Will get to 11 Million in the USA this year!!

Predicting the Future - Wii will NOT win this gen in America!!

Prediciting the Future - The PS3 will pass the Wii by 2009!!

One of the reasons why Sony was able to become so successful with the Playstation and later with the PS2 was (in essence) the creation of the European market for videogames; before the Playstation and Gameboy both ended up selling more than 40 Million units no system had ever sold more than 10 Million units in Europe. I think it will be interesting to see what the gaming market will be like in 2015 when 5%-10% of households in China and India can afford an inexpensive ($150) gaming system

HappySqurriel said: One of the reasons why Sony was able to become so successful with the Playstation and later with the PS2 was (in essence) the creation of the European market for videogames; before the Playstation and Gameboy both ended up selling more than 40 Million units no system had ever sold more than 10 Million units in Europe. I think it will be interesting to see what the gaming market will be like in 2015 when 5%-10% of households in China and India can afford an inexpensive ($150) gaming system
........By then sales will be close to 400 million..Maybe higher.

Predicting the Future - 360 Will get to 11 Million in the USA this year!!

Predicting the Future - Wii will NOT win this gen in America!!

Prediciting the Future - The PS3 will pass the Wii by 2009!!

Around the Network

HappySqurriel said: One of the reasons why Sony was able to become so successful with the Playstation and later with the PS2 was (in essence) the creation of the European market for videogames; before the Playstation and Gameboy both ended up selling more than 40 Million units no system had ever sold more than 10 Million units in Europe. I think it will be interesting to see what the gaming market will be like in 2015 when 5%-10% of households in China and India can afford an inexpensive ($150) gaming system
dont expect to much from those markets that soon, especially China. hell china just might ban videogames, with them anything is possible.... all foreign games baned is something they are quite capable of doing.

Kwaad said: yup. This site... who has insiders in basically every market in the industry... is WRONG. I'll stick with my info from this site. Either way, it's not a small margin Europe is ahead of Japan. At counting only the million+ worldwide sellers, Europe sells more than japan.
Regionally speaking, you do know how ioi arrives at his numbers correct? If that article is sourcing this site only, then there's a problem right there. (no offense ioi, but no method is flawless & there are still gaps where one must simply estimate) Wait for an official report, you know Sony's dying to make one if true.

"The things we touch have no permanence."

Kwaad said: PS360N64PSXBOX said: The size of the population doesn't matter, it's the size of the market or how many people are looking to buy a product. If you look at past numbers it shows European buy less consoles than the Japanese do.,2144,1684952,00.html As of 2005 or the tailend of last gen only 1 in 10 German households had a console. Like in france it's growing, but history has shown Europe minus the UK in general buys less consoles than the USA(Largest Market) and Japan(2nd Largest). Handheld: Japan: 21.58 America:19.69 Europe: 19.67 Home Console: Japan: 3.3 America: 9.95 Others: 6.15 Japan is 2million higher than america/europe on handhelds. America/europe are only 20,000units off from each other. Home consoles japan is in last, 1/3rd the american sales, and europe is in 2nd with 2/3rd america's sales. Add everything together. TOTAL: America: 29.64 Europe: 25.83 Japan: 24.88 Japan is the smallest market. Not europe. 10 years ago, europe didnt exist as a gameing market. Who cares. It does today.
that is a very, very misleading stat because most of those home console sales are from xbox 360 which obviously isn't going to do well in Japan. The 360 had a year headstart so it's not a fair stat at all. As far as the handheld market goes it is much bigger in Japan because the Japanese spend a lot of time in trains, most people spending around an hour a day on trains, and some people much longer. Actually in general people spend a lot of time away from their homes. I know this wasn't the point of the post before but Japan's population is 120 million (and shrinking) while Europe's population is around 750-800 million. The fact that Japan's market is a similar size to Europe's is pretty amazing.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

johnsobas said: I know this wasn't the point of the post before but Japan's population is 120 million (and shrinking) while Europe's population is around 750-800 million. The fact that Japan's market is a similar size to Europe's is pretty amazing.
handheld markey yes... console market they are half of Europe.

ps2 sold 22 million through 2006 in Japan and 33 million in Europe. Using this generation is not fair because 360 isn't going to sell well in Japan. For Japan this generation didn't really start until november 2006.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X