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mrstickball said: Even if German households only have a console 1/10th of the time, thats still alot of consoles to sell. Also, the sales in Germany should increase as per capita income continues to increase in east german territories....Even though it's almost 20 years after the collapse, there still can be some strides made in that territory for capita. It really doesn't matter even if 1/10th of every European household had a gaming system...It's nearly twice the size of the US and 4 times the size of Japan. It's like saying "if 1 in 10 Chinese and Indian households owned a system it wouldn't be important since in the US/Japan it's 1 in 3" It's difficult to get numbers in each individual European country, as none are really large enough (sales wise) to allow for individual tracking services - the UK has one, and thats most of what it is. Nevertheless, I believe the major strides this cycle for console sales will be made in China, India and Europe, regardless of Blue Ocean. Blue Ocean still caters to the developed gaming world and not the developing world.
Germany isn't a game friendly place. UK is awesome place, no complaints there.

Predicting the Future - 360 Will get to 11 Million in the USA this year!!

Predicting the Future - Wii will NOT win this gen in America!!

Prediciting the Future - The PS3 will pass the Wii by 2009!!