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Kwaad said: PS360N64PSXBOX said: The size of the population doesn't matter, it's the size of the market or how many people are looking to buy a product. If you look at past numbers it shows European buy less consoles than the Japanese do.,2144,1684952,00.html As of 2005 or the tailend of last gen only 1 in 10 German households had a console. Like in france it's growing, but history has shown Europe minus the UK in general buys less consoles than the USA(Largest Market) and Japan(2nd Largest). Handheld: Japan: 21.58 America:19.69 Europe: 19.67 Home Console: Japan: 3.3 America: 9.95 Others: 6.15 Japan is 2million higher than america/europe on handhelds. America/europe are only 20,000units off from each other. Home consoles japan is in last, 1/3rd the american sales, and europe is in 2nd with 2/3rd america's sales. Add everything together. TOTAL: America: 29.64 Europe: 25.83 Japan: 24.88 Japan is the smallest market. Not europe. 10 years ago, europe didnt exist as a gameing market. Who cares. It does today.
that is a very, very misleading stat because most of those home console sales are from xbox 360 which obviously isn't going to do well in Japan. The 360 had a year headstart so it's not a fair stat at all. As far as the handheld market goes it is much bigger in Japan because the Japanese spend a lot of time in trains, most people spending around an hour a day on trains, and some people much longer. Actually in general people spend a lot of time away from their homes. I know this wasn't the point of the post before but Japan's population is 120 million (and shrinking) while Europe's population is around 750-800 million. The fact that Japan's market is a similar size to Europe's is pretty amazing.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X