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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why is there soo much negativity in any 360 related thread?

selnor said:
heruamon said:
selnor said:

Anyone want more further proof, 360 threads get trolled almost instantly?

Here is a thread no less than 10 mins old. And look at the first post, by a known PS3 fan.

The thread is a goddamn preview. And yet another thread already tried to be derailed. It's a BLOODY JOKE!

I'll do you one better Selnor, I got BANNED for calling a 2-post troller a troll...I couldn't believe it.  He trolls a thread, with a comment that makes ZERO sense, and I said somethign to the effect of, you're 2 post into VGC and your already trolling...and I got banned for  This site is going to the pits, if they didn't have the best tracking data, I wouldn't waste my time here any longer.  My advice to you is to stay out of threads as much as you can, and when you see ANYTHING red in a signature, don't respond to them, since basically a red psoter can call you a fucking moron and you can report it, and nothing will happen (factual story by the way).

Yeah it is pretty silly.

Let me just name OLDSCHOOLFOOL as a GOOD PS3 fan who has every intention of being civil. Seriously guys. He is genuine. Trust me.

But yeah I have been banned for calling out trolls, and got banned for REPORTING  A TROLL. A user ( remaining unamed ) told me in exact terms ( "your F*cking opinion means SH*T" ) and I reported it and got banned for causing trouble. What?

I have looked over all of your bans, they all look fine, you were banned for posts, I never saw any ban that wasn't linked to a post that matched the discription given and therefore I highly doubt your story of being banned for reporting something. 

On the note of calling a two post account a troll.  You can't insult other members, not matter the situation, that's the rule and you know it.  The two post troll was most likely banned, but then you had to be banned as well because you also broke the rules. 

As far as someone calling Heruamon a fucking moron, the person was probably given a warning if it was their first offense, it happens. 

and for the first link in this quote train, I warned that person for off topic trolling since he hasn't had any offenses in a while and has only been banned twice.



Around the Network
joeorc said:
RAZurrection said:
joeorc said:

does it matter: the brick keep's hitting you in the head, but your skull is just too d@mn thick..

LMAO. So 1 Carmack quote = truth, but 4-5 saying the opposite and you accuse me of not listening. That's precious, it really is. Just goes to show the inherant bias of some people.

joeorc said:

there is no point going forward, when someone cherry pick's, you cannot change their mind no matter what anyone else can say, even when the proof is very sound.

No-ones answering the question. Why does Carmacks old, few statements about PS3>360 overule his recent, legion statements about 360>PS3? Talk about putting your fingers in your ears.

joeorc said:

plese for the love of god kill this soon to be dead horse.

And once again whenever a 360 graphics thread talks about raising the bar, the usual suspects come in requesting it be closed for fear that is spreads.




"from our perspective," the speaker is acknowledging that others may see things differently, or may completely disagree. "Not a bad fix" isn't as good as "a good fix," and adding "short-term" is a further caveat. By making a weaker, heavier, more redundant sentence, the speaker makes a weaker statement of support. It's deliberate.



QUOTED 2009'


which by the way is pretty much what John Carmack stated:

"On the processing side it's a little bit more complicated, where the main processor on the PS3 is roughly equivalent to one of the three processors on the 360. But then you wind up saying, you have to compare two other symmetric processors on the 360 versus the eight quirky cell processors. And that comes down to one of those questions, where if you just look at the raw numbers, the cells are much more powerful. Many more flops on there, in theory you can do a lot more, but that's where you come to the difference between theory and practice. And given an infinite amount of development time on there, you can craft a program that's gonna work more efficiently on the cells there than on two additional processors on the 360. But given a finite amount of development time, it's much-much easier to get things working well on the 360 than it is on the PS3. And that's pretty much the case across the board." A tougher one to call. For overall processing power the winner is the PS3. For ease of development the winner is the Xbox 360. Let's call this one a draw.




Read what Carmack said about the PS3 version.


RAZ is the same guy who made an alt account in a desperate attempt to reinforce his opinion, so I wouldn't take him too seriously.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

the two post troll wasnt banned. Seems unfair to heruamon if you ask me.

huaxiong90 said:
joeorc said:
RAZurrection said:
joeorc said:

does it matter: the brick keep's hitting you in the head, but your skull is just too d@mn thick..

LMAO. So 1 Carmack quote = truth, but 4-5 saying the opposite and you accuse me of not listening. That's precious, it really is. Just goes to show the inherant bias of some people.

joeorc said:

there is no point going forward, when someone cherry pick's, you cannot change their mind no matter what anyone else can say, even when the proof is very sound.

No-ones answering the question. Why does Carmacks old, few statements about PS3>360 overule his recent, legion statements about 360>PS3? Talk about putting your fingers in your ears.

joeorc said:

plese for the love of god kill this soon to be dead horse.

And once again whenever a 360 graphics thread talks about raising the bar, the usual suspects come in requesting it be closed for fear that is spreads.




"from our perspective," the speaker is acknowledging that others may see things differently, or may completely disagree. "Not a bad fix" isn't as good as "a good fix," and adding "short-term" is a further caveat. By making a weaker, heavier, more redundant sentence, the speaker makes a weaker statement of support. It's deliberate.



QUOTED 2009'


which by the way is pretty much what John Carmack stated:

"On the processing side it's a little bit more complicated, where the main processor on the PS3 is roughly equivalent to one of the three processors on the 360. But then you wind up saying, you have to compare two other symmetric processors on the 360 versus the eight quirky cell processors. And that comes down to one of those questions, where if you just look at the raw numbers, the cells are much more powerful. Many more flops on there, in theory you can do a lot more, but that's where you come to the difference between theory and practice. And given an infinite amount of development time on there, you can craft a program that's gonna work more efficiently on the cells there than on two additional processors on the 360. But given a finite amount of development time, it's much-much easier to get things working well on the 360 than it is on the PS3. And that's pretty much the case across the board." A tougher one to call. For overall processing power the winner is the PS3. For ease of development the winner is the Xbox 360. Let's call this one a draw.




Read what Carmack said about the PS3 version.


RAZ is the same guy who made an alt account in a desperate attempt to reinforce his opinion, so I wouldn't take him too seriously.

thank you. which like this whole generation :

the strength of the xbox360 is its ability to be developed on with older game engine's, but if you want to take advantage: guess what you would have to put more time in also to take advantage of the xbox360 hardware!

with the PS3

this sum's it up pretty much right here:

JIM Tilander-

Another thing that sets the two systems apart is the hardware. On the surface the two processors might look very similar, both have PowerPC cores with roughly the same deficiencies. The CELL does however also have the SPU processors, whereas the Xbox has it's 3 cores, which maps better onto the PC hardware and paradigm than the SPUs. The SPUs on the other hand requires really good discipline on memory patterns and data arrangement. Not that this is a strange concept to any console programmer, but the extra kick here is that whereas it ran slow before on previous consoles, it usually won't run at all on the SPU if you have bad data structures. Rearranging data structures is one of the more painful things you can do on a large code base, say for example some legacy PC-engine. The amount of work required is daunting, and in the end you will have done more work for less performance than you would have gotten if you just have written the thing from scratch. Which is really dissatisfying and moral crushing as a programmer, here you spent all this time to optimize, and you barley come up to the levels the mindless coding brought on the PC. And yet, you see that if you just could have coded with the grain on the PS3 it would not have been as difficult and certainly faster.



100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

Torillian said:
selnor said:
heruamon said:
selnor said:

Anyone want more further proof, 360 threads get trolled almost instantly?

Here is a thread no less than 10 mins old. And look at the first post, by a known PS3 fan.

The thread is a goddamn preview. And yet another thread already tried to be derailed. It's a BLOODY JOKE!

I'll do you one better Selnor, I got BANNED for calling a 2-post troller a troll...I couldn't believe it.  He trolls a thread, with a comment that makes ZERO sense, and I said somethign to the effect of, you're 2 post into VGC and your already trolling...and I got banned for  This site is going to the pits, if they didn't have the best tracking data, I wouldn't waste my time here any longer.  My advice to you is to stay out of threads as much as you can, and when you see ANYTHING red in a signature, don't respond to them, since basically a red psoter can call you a fucking moron and you can report it, and nothing will happen (factual story by the way).

Yeah it is pretty silly.

Let me just name OLDSCHOOLFOOL as a GOOD PS3 fan who has every intention of being civil. Seriously guys. He is genuine. Trust me.

But yeah I have been banned for calling out trolls, and got banned for REPORTING  A TROLL. A user ( remaining unamed ) told me in exact terms ( "your F*cking opinion means SH*T" ) and I reported it and got banned for causing trouble. What?

I have looked over all of your bans, they all look fine, you were banned for posts, I never saw any ban that wasn't linked to a post that matched the discription given and therefore I highly doubt your story of being banned for reporting something. 

On the note of calling a two post account a troll.  You can't insult other members, not matter the situation, that's the rule and you know it.  The two post troll was most likely banned, but then you had to be banned as well because you also broke the rules. 

As far as someone calling Heruamon a fucking moron, the person was probably given a warning if it was their first offense, it happens. 

and for the first link in this quote train, I warned that person for off topic trolling since he hasn't had any offenses in a while and has only been banned twice.


So, let me get this correct, and for ALL PSOTERS on this board to get correct...

I called a 2-post noob a troll, for him posting a TROLL post, and I got banned, without ZERO warning that calling somebody a troll is now a capital offense, but somebody calling me a fucking moron got a warning? it.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Around the Network
Lord Flashheart said:
the two post troll wasnt banned. Seems unfair to heruamon if you ask me.

that was the Streak's first offense, therefore he was given a warning.  Heruamon has been here and it wasn't his first offense, therefore it was a ban.  There is a system guys, just because you don't see someone get banned doesn't mean that nothing happened.


heruamon said:
Torillian said:
selnor said:
heruamon said:
selnor said:

Anyone want more further proof, 360 threads get trolled almost instantly?

Here is a thread no less than 10 mins old. And look at the first post, by a known PS3 fan.

The thread is a goddamn preview. And yet another thread already tried to be derailed. It's a BLOODY JOKE!

I'll do you one better Selnor, I got BANNED for calling a 2-post troller a troll...I couldn't believe it.  He trolls a thread, with a comment that makes ZERO sense, and I said somethign to the effect of, you're 2 post into VGC and your already trolling...and I got banned for  This site is going to the pits, if they didn't have the best tracking data, I wouldn't waste my time here any longer.  My advice to you is to stay out of threads as much as you can, and when you see ANYTHING red in a signature, don't respond to them, since basically a red psoter can call you a fucking moron and you can report it, and nothing will happen (factual story by the way).

Yeah it is pretty silly.

Let me just name OLDSCHOOLFOOL as a GOOD PS3 fan who has every intention of being civil. Seriously guys. He is genuine. Trust me.

But yeah I have been banned for calling out trolls, and got banned for REPORTING  A TROLL. A user ( remaining unamed ) told me in exact terms ( "your F*cking opinion means SH*T" ) and I reported it and got banned for causing trouble. What?

I have looked over all of your bans, they all look fine, you were banned for posts, I never saw any ban that wasn't linked to a post that matched the discription given and therefore I highly doubt your story of being banned for reporting something. 

On the note of calling a two post account a troll.  You can't insult other members, not matter the situation, that's the rule and you know it.  The two post troll was most likely banned, but then you had to be banned as well because you also broke the rules. 

As far as someone calling Heruamon a fucking moron, the person was probably given a warning if it was their first offense, it happens. 

and for the first link in this quote train, I warned that person for off topic trolling since he hasn't had any offenses in a while and has only been banned twice.


So, let me get this correct, and for ALL PSOTERS on this board to get correct...

I called a 2-post noob a troll, for him posting a TROLL post, and I got banned, without ZERO warning that calling somebody a troll is now a capital offense, but somebody calling me a fucking moron got a warning? it.

give me the name and I will look at what happened, I don't know if they were banned or warned or anything.  give me a name and I can check and perhaps make this right, or you can continue acting persecuted, your call.


Torillian said:
heruamon said:
Torillian said:
selnor said:
heruamon said:
selnor said:

Anyone want more further proof, 360 threads get trolled almost instantly?

Here is a thread no less than 10 mins old. And look at the first post, by a known PS3 fan.

The thread is a goddamn preview. And yet another thread already tried to be derailed. It's a BLOODY JOKE!

I'll do you one better Selnor, I got BANNED for calling a 2-post troller a troll...I couldn't believe it.  He trolls a thread, with a comment that makes ZERO sense, and I said somethign to the effect of, you're 2 post into VGC and your already trolling...and I got banned for  This site is going to the pits, if they didn't have the best tracking data, I wouldn't waste my time here any longer.  My advice to you is to stay out of threads as much as you can, and when you see ANYTHING red in a signature, don't respond to them, since basically a red psoter can call you a fucking moron and you can report it, and nothing will happen (factual story by the way).

Yeah it is pretty silly.

Let me just name OLDSCHOOLFOOL as a GOOD PS3 fan who has every intention of being civil. Seriously guys. He is genuine. Trust me.

But yeah I have been banned for calling out trolls, and got banned for REPORTING  A TROLL. A user ( remaining unamed ) told me in exact terms ( "your F*cking opinion means SH*T" ) and I reported it and got banned for causing trouble. What?

I have looked over all of your bans, they all look fine, you were banned for posts, I never saw any ban that wasn't linked to a post that matched the discription given and therefore I highly doubt your story of being banned for reporting something. 

On the note of calling a two post account a troll.  You can't insult other members, not matter the situation, that's the rule and you know it.  The two post troll was most likely banned, but then you had to be banned as well because you also broke the rules. 

As far as someone calling Heruamon a fucking moron, the person was probably given a warning if it was their first offense, it happens. 

and for the first link in this quote train, I warned that person for off topic trolling since he hasn't had any offenses in a while and has only been banned twice.


So, let me get this correct, and for ALL PSOTERS on this board to get correct...

I called a 2-post noob a troll, for him posting a TROLL post, and I got banned, without ZERO warning that calling somebody a troll is now a capital offense, but somebody calling me a fucking moron got a warning? it.

give me the name and I will look at what happened, I don't know if they were banned or warned or anything.  give me a name and I can check and perhaps make this right, or you can continue acting persecuted, your call.

This happened last summer...guess that whole herumaon been here a long time thing.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Torillian said:
Lord Flashheart said:
the two post troll wasnt banned. Seems unfair to heruamon if you ask me.

that was the Streak's first offense, therefore he was given a warning.  Heruamon has been here and it wasn't his first offense, therefore it was a ban.  There is a system guys, just because you don't see someone get banned doesn't mean that nothing happened.

so, now troll is a bannable offense, to go along with fanboy, which btw, I still see in massive use...but amazingly, I don't see alot of bannings for...which I did check for, after my warning, btw.  I now know the posters, just stfu, of get problems.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Grow some zalls and toughen your skins. This is part of the cycle. Right now its the 360's turn on the chopping block. Then we move onto the Wii then the PS3

Black Women Are The Most Beautiful Women On The Planet.

"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi