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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why is there soo much negativity in any 360 related thread?

RAZurrection said:

Well not specifically on the forums (although this is a major problem as well) I am interested to see that DF FFXIII comparison showed up on VGC's front page as news, whereas the 360s been owning the PS3 for 4.5 years (retroactively) now in DF comparisons and they're strikingly absent.


Oh and whenever a 360 game sets a new standard in graphics it's either a state of total disbelief or claims that they must be "PC shots".

only time 360 set new standard in grafix was gears 1

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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The graphics threads for sony are heavily argued upon by PC GAMERS, you can go to any best graphics thread or what not for PS3, and you will be getting lots of arguments regarding whether or not the game looks better than X game or not.

The reason your threads get derailed is because when you make a thread, you constantly say that X GAME IS THE BEST LOOKING GAME EVER MADE

for example:

FORZA 3 "FORZA IS THE BEST LOOKING RACER NO MATTER WHAT" GT5 clearly opposses that statement, and then you decide to block any form of existence of GT, and if there is a GT, it's bull shots.

That's when you cannot have an arguement and win it, because the person is almost blind. Now had you made a thread like "I BELIEVE FORZA 3 IS THE BEST LOOKING RACER" most people would have come on and developed an arguement against it, and you would have to back up your statement. If you win, then thats great, but if you lose the arguement, you don't have to go on the offensive, I mean wtf was that with CGI saying "SONY BROKE THERE PROMISE" that just proves my point..



Yeah, it's pretty boring.

NoPantsHoSlappa said:
kingdaddymaster said:
how could there be anything positive to say about the xbox 360 when you look at this

oh my bad man. you obviously jerk off to kratos and not your ps3. keep it up brah. do me a favor and go easy on the pillows though.

haha.  this is what i mean.  No reason at all given... other than his PS3 game.  Not that you couldn't easily go back and forth with that with exclusives like Mass Effect, Gears and Halo.

I also got a 360, because the university I was at was all 360 owners.  they had 360 tournaments in the dorms for different 360 games, and i never actually had met anyone who owned a PS3 until I was just about done with college (recent)  They had a Wii that you could play for free in the game room, but it got old real fast.  It was all the rage when it came out... but then there were no real games for it, so everyone just got bored with it.  If we want bowling or tennis... we could just go out and do the real thing.  Also, I sucked at Wii baseball, which was odd, since I'm good at it in real life.  Anyway, I like the 360, like the PS3, but I chose the 360 because of the games, and the amount of people I could play with.  Not a fan of the Wii... don't really put it in the same category... the only people I know that own it are my parents age, and they are just discovering that you can have internet on your cell phone.


Skeeuk said:
RAZurrection said:

Well not specifically on the forums (although this is a major problem as well) I am interested to see that DF FFXIII comparison showed up on VGC's front page as news, whereas the 360s been owning the PS3 for 4.5 years (retroactively) now in DF comparisons and they're strikingly absent.


Oh and whenever a 360 game sets a new standard in graphics it's either a state of total disbelief or claims that they must be "PC shots".

only time 360 set new standard in grafix was gears 1

Everyone please witness exhibit A....

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

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RAZurrection said:

Well not specifically on the forums (although this is a major problem as well) I am interested to see that DF FFXIII comparison showed up on VGC's front page as news, whereas the 360s been owning the PS3 for 4.5 years (retroactively) now in DF comparisons and they're strikingly absent.


Oh and whenever a 360 game sets a new standard in graphics it's either a state of total disbelief or claims that they must be "PC shots".

yes, and when people try to argue against your opinion, you decide to post low resolution screen shots, and then block the person off from having any form of discussion with you, so that your opinion can end up being fact..



Carl2291 said:
selnor said:

And the best bit is, that first comment looks utterly silly. Because a) I havent got a PS3 which leads to B) why would I post a PS3 game for my game of March if I'm never gonna buy it?

The trolls are so bad now in the 360 forum, they defy logical sense to reason. Damn right 'my' game of March is on 360, because I only own a 360.;/

Didn't you get a PS3 for Christmas?... Or so you were saying...

In his defense BHR-3 has gotten three 360s :-/

CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
selnor said:
I think people need to stop with it. It's ruining this site immensely.

There was a comment I disagreed with just tonight in the Sony forums. I PM'd the person in question, as to not derail that thread with 360 fanboy outcomes. If you dont believe me ask CGI. IT was him I PM'd.

IF I'm considered what is the most exastive 360 fan on here and I dont troll Sony forums with games I'm likely never to buy, then why do so many PS fans do it. Hell those loads of Sony threads I disagree with. But you dont se me trolling every Sony thread.

Every single 360 thread gets I reckon 70% posts from Sony fans with no intention of ever buying the game. So why comment? The threads get derailed and then locked by some random mod. Why have the mods not spotted this?

Something needs to change, because it's getting as bad as the GAF.

You of all people should not be the one to talk....most of your the gfx of this game is da best evah threads are full of troll bait and Selnor imo is one of the reasons for this whole situation...and I am tlaking about recent activity as I am relatively I 'might' be wrong but that's just my impression

WTF? Seriousy this comment is exactly whats wrong with the site now. There is at least 100 more best PS3 gfx games threads on here with no trolling. Sitting happily in the Sony forums.But when a 360 one opens with actual reviewer or technical backing, it's trolled to high heaven. It's all because Sony shouted a false promise to it's fan. And one they have all run with from day one.Until you see that, this site will stay the same.

I really hate to do this, because I really planned on leaving this subject after my last post, but would you elaborate on what they lied about?

Ok. From day one, Sony have touted and touted about more power than the competition. M$ made one rebutle in 2006 against Sony's comments of more power, showing why 360 was more pwerful in a hugely detailed way. Now outside of Sony and M$ third party developers have said +'s for either console being more powerful. Some say 360 some say PS3. But Sony really touted the Cell like crazy. Even though we stand in 2010 with 2 games getting tremendous nods for graphics on both consoles ( and I'm talking about the best comments for tech and graphics ) it would seem niether is out of touch with each other. And 4 years into PS3's life, it would appear not to be ahead powerwise.

What am I basing it off? Third party opinions of the consoles ( outside of comapnies with a vested interest in either console ) and media for games.

Carl2291 said:
selnor said:
heruamon said:
Carl2291 said:
heruamon said:
cmeese47 said:
maybe it is because the 360 thread usually try and tout how much better they are then PS3 which drives the sony fan boys crazy especially when the thread is wrong

You mean like the Metro 2033 that made NO MENTION of the PS3 or any PS3 games in the OP, but 2 post in had someone attacking it?

Do you mean the one where it was compared to Fallout 3... Or did i miss something?

"...Something tells me you wouldn't have created this thread if this game was available on the PS3..."

Right off the bat, whammo. 

And the best bit is, that first comment looks utterly silly. Because a) I havent got a PS3 which leads to B) why would I post a PS3 game for my game of March if I'm never gonna buy it?

The trolls are so bad now in the 360 forum, they defy logical sense to reason. Damn right 'my' game of March is on 360, because I only own a 360.;/

Didn't you get a PS3 for Christmas?... Or so you were saying...

My wife tricked me. I got a holiday instead.

She lead me on.

selnor said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
selnor said:
I think people need to stop with it. It's ruining this site immensely.

There was a comment I disagreed with just tonight in the Sony forums. I PM'd the person in question, as to not derail that thread with 360 fanboy outcomes. If you dont believe me ask CGI. IT was him I PM'd.

IF I'm considered what is the most exastive 360 fan on here and I dont troll Sony forums with games I'm likely never to buy, then why do so many PS fans do it. Hell those loads of Sony threads I disagree with. But you dont se me trolling every Sony thread.

Every single 360 thread gets I reckon 70% posts from Sony fans with no intention of ever buying the game. So why comment? The threads get derailed and then locked by some random mod. Why have the mods not spotted this?

Something needs to change, because it's getting as bad as the GAF.

You of all people should not be the one to talk....most of your the gfx of this game is da best evah threads are full of troll bait and Selnor imo is one of the reasons for this whole situation...and I am tlaking about recent activity as I am relatively I 'might' be wrong but that's just my impression

WTF? Seriousy this comment is exactly whats wrong with the site now. There is at least 100 more best PS3 gfx games threads on here with no trolling. Sitting happily in the Sony forums.But when a 360 one opens with actual reviewer or technical backing, it's trolled to high heaven. It's all because Sony shouted a false promise to it's fan. And one they have all run with from day one.Until you see that, this site will stay the same.


and right there is your answer,

A false promise, HOW SO?\

currently game's like Uncharted 2, Metal GEAR SOLID: 4, Resistance fall of man.

How has that been a false promise to it's fan's?


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.