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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Digital Foundry FFXIII comparison

Meh. I don't have a ps3 so the choice is simple.

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My god..this has gone on too far, i'm glad makingmusic declared this the last thread on this subject. If we are to compare every game multiplat from a graphical, AND technical stand point, the majority of games would favor the Xbox 360, as seen by Digital Foundry themselves. This graphic comparison of multiplats is ridiculous.

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AlkamistStar said:
My god..this has gone on too far, i'm glad makingmusic declared this the last thread on this subject. If we are to compare every game multiplat from a graphical, AND technical stand point, the majority of games would favor the Xbox 360, as seen by Digital Foundry themselves. This graphic comparison of multiplats is ridiculous.

Meh, it only took 100 threads on this topic for the line to be drawn in the sand? That's sort of like thanking someone for handing you a band-aid after your arm gets sliced off.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

I had been planning to get the 360 version because I didn't think the differences would be as obvious as they are but now I'll be getting the PS3 version. If I only had a 360 I would be completely fine with that version, it still looks amazing, but the PS3 version is a noticeable improvement.

What's sad is basically what they said in the article, the 360 version COULD have been much better. Using constant bitrate on the CGI portions? Come on, that's inexcusable when your goal is to minimize file size. That's why you're seeing such horrible macroblocking.

Having said that, if this was a game like Bayonetta I'd still get the 360 version because I hate the PS3 controller with a passion, but considering it's turn based combat I'll be fine with it.

why did DF waste so much time explaining what COULD have happened rather than what DID happen? They were suppose to be doing detailed comparisons, not damage control for their preferred console every 2 paragraphs!

Damn, i really lol-ed at the amount of difference they FAILED to point out (lack of self-shadowing,textures...). Guys if you really want an idea of what TRULY happened with the port, check out the neogaf comparison thread, you'll be surprised.

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So there you have it.. The resolution part is clearly proven. I just remembered someone calling the resolution comparison a big lie.

Now please... Control yourselves... 

Gameplay wise it's gonna be the same.



Why are you contradicting the article?

lol at the OP:p and Wow take alook at the shadow and texture differences on snow. They're miles apart 0-0

I didn't think the difference would be that bad. Looks like another Piss Poor Port. Shame for 360 only owners but at least it's still playable.

It is a lie that mus cross platforum games would favour the 360, thats a myth that got spread due to PS3 being a year late and people comparing PS3 launch titles to 360 which was out for awhile, ther last 2 years there has ben basically no diff between either, with a few exceptions like Dragon (PS3), FF13 (PS3) and Bayonetta.

The OP, no one takes him seriosuly, hes married to his 360, this is the same guy that argues Crysis 2 will make 360 leapfrog PS3 in graphics, despite Crytek saying they will look identical,and will run slightly better on PS3.


The controller argument is the worst argument I have ecver seen for a game system, any controller works the same, once u use one or the other they both work equally well, I have a 360 and PS3, there is really no difference. Its like any controller, there is not much diffferences, they work the same and u get used to them with use.