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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Digital Foundry FFXIII comparison

A Bad Clown said:
newfgamer said:
A Bad Clown said:
Is it just me or do the walkway textures look baaaaaaaaaaad? Both look muddy, but I noticed the PS3 version had a little more blur

Huh? 360 version os lower res and a lot blurier, especially in the distance.

Look at the dark lines as they go up, they fuzz out of control.

Yeah that's cool. I read the game has no AF so it must be the texture filtering or maybe SE found a way to do higher res textures.

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I also don't like how they have this article to show how one is superior to the other yet when it comes to review time they play the PS3 version and award it's score to the 360 version as well.

Review makes them seem the same, but then the other article said this.

But bearing in mind that Oli Welsh's Eurogamer review is based on the superior PS3 build, commentary for those who only own an Xbox 360 is probably worthwhile.

That's fucked up.

Even more evidence leading to my prediction being correct, that somehow on Metacritic the 360 version will outscore the PS3 version. It is already like 83 PS3 and 90 for 360.

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newfgamer said:
PS3 in that pic looks a lot better, look how blurry everything in the distance is on the 360.

and there be jaggies on the arm of the character (upper arm is particularly noticeable) in the 360 picture.

When did 15 PS3 reviews show up on Meta?

Now it is 87 (360) to 85 (PS3). O_o

I might end up being wrong.

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The 360 cut scenes are noticeably inferior compared to the counterpart, but the gameplay is so minute in difference.

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sully1311 said:
The 360 cut scenes are noticeably inferior compared to the counterpart, but the gameplay is so minute in difference.

Yeah, in motion the regular gameplay isn't an incredible difference, but once you hit action packed CGI it gets a little ugly, and FFXIII has like 9 hours of it if I'm not mistaken.

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Hmmm.... worse than I thought. The pic Euphoria14 showed, the 360 ver is missing alot of textures.

Well I can almost see Lightning's ass in the PS3 shot, so the PS3 shot wins.

OK with the cut scenes I can see some obvious differences, but in the gameplay sequences you've really got to be concentrating hard to notice anything substantial.

Still if you're a PS360 owner and you buy the 360 version you must REAAAAAALLLLY prefer the 360 controller over the DS3, 'cause there's no other rational reason to get the 360 version. Well I guess if you're an achievement collector on 360, and not much of a trophy collector on PS3 then you'll want to accumulate the 360 achievements I suppose, that's a pretty good reason too. If you're an achievement and trophy whore then do you buy both versions?

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Will somebody please point out what I'm supposed to be looking for? I watched most of the video, and aside from the fact all I wanted to do was play the game from watching it and couldn't pay enough attention to the graphics. I just couldn't really tell much of a difference. I saw some pixelation in the hair on the characters in the 360 version, what else should I look for? Also, something must be wrong with me I guess, it just didn't seem like much of a difference.

the 360 controller argument is pretty stupid, this is not mw2 or sf4(unplayable at least for me with the 360 controller)