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Forums - Sony Discussion - DO NOT TURN ON YOUR FAT PS3 - date bug is majorly screwing up systems

kowenicki said:

The Guardian has this recent story...

Sony updates statement on PS3 problems

The company is working on the problem but warns affected users NOT to use their consoles.

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has provided an updated statement on the problems currently being experienced by owners of pre-'slim' PS3 consoles. The company has confirmed what many on the web have already predicted - that the issue lies with the machine's internal clock.

Here is the advice in full:

We believe we have identified that this problem is being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.

Errors include:
* The date of the PS3 system may be re-set to Jan 1, 2000.
* When the user tries to sign-in to the PlayStation Network, the following message appears on the screen; "An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)".
* When the user tries to launch a game, the following error message appears on the screen and the trophy data may disappear; "Failed to install trophies. Please exit your game."
* When the user tries to set the time and date of the system via the Internet, the following message appears on the screen; "The current date and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)"
* Users are not able to playback certain rental video downloaded from the PlayStation Store before the expiration date.

We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.

As mentioned above, Please be advised that the new slim PS3 is not affected with this error. We are doing our best to resolve the issue and do apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Although much of this repeats what we know of the problem, it is telling that users are being officially warned NOT to use their PS3 systems, even though an earlier statement suggested that it was alright to use the machines as long as there was no attempt to access the PlayStation Network. Also, there seems to be a tacit acknowledgment that certain data may be irretrievable.

PS3 owners are being asked to check the official blog for further information.

this is not good,

if i had the money i'd go get an 360,lol

punished for being phat

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


Around the Network

I'd like to add that I couldn't start a DVD like normal. You know how you watch a DVD and you turn it off and it saves your place when you get back on?

Well it gave me an error.. I think 80099DB so I tried the option "Start DVD from beginning" and it worked like a charm. Weird.

joeorc said:

posted: in the response section of The CNN article:

March 1st, 2010 12:40 pm ET

Might be old news, but thanks to a certain hardware/software guru, and from various of sources and efnet they are able to at least give the letdown why this problem is happening. Quoted.

Well the gist is that the ARM SYSCON CPU that is used to power up the front panel of the ps3, that is responsible for doing things like sleep mode, eject, RTC etc. Is an old batch that sony picked up from the shelf like other manufacturers that has that calendar year bug regarding feburary 29th on certain periods. Causing the ps3 system clock and the real time clock to desync, messing up security measures like Digital Rights management software and sometimes games that relies on clocks for whatever reason. As well as signing up to the playstation network... This CPU is always on even when your PS3 isn't plugged
This problem is also happening with various of test Ps3 models, particulary the ones that has the emotion engine cpu/gpu for ps2 dev.

This is the one of the same type of CPUs that is powering up mobile devices like zune and blackberries, they have been affected with this bug, so they done some software patches. A syscon update can also fix this problem

The Slims ps3s aren't affected because they use a newer up to date revision on the syscon cpu that fixes this bug.

A quick way to fix this is to remove the RTC battery for at least 5-10 min and plug it back in, you will see the date and time reset, and voila...

BTW all this was quoted from some ps3 hardware gurus and tested by various of peeps on efnet, all thanks to them for the information

One cannot wait to hear Sony's excuse for this one, They might play innocent for using off the shelve parts and blame manufacturers
Date Edited:3/1/2010 4:57:54 AM (2 edits total) edited by: Fishcake21

Could be correct, but I never heard of other devices stopping to work on March the 1st. Are there any reports of that happening?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

kowenicki said:

The Guardian has this recent story...

Sony updates statement on PS3 problems

The company is working on the problem but warns affected users NOT to use their consoles.

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has provided an updated statement on the problems currently being experienced by owners of pre-'slim' PS3 consoles. The company has confirmed what many on the web have already predicted - that the issue lies with the machine's internal clock.

Here is the advice in full:

We believe we have identified that this problem is being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.

Errors include:
* The date of the PS3 system may be re-set to Jan 1, 2000.
* When the user tries to sign-in to the PlayStation Network, the following message appears on the screen; "An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)".
* When the user tries to launch a game, the following error message appears on the screen and the trophy data may disappear; "Failed to install trophies. Please exit your game."
* When the user tries to set the time and date of the system via the Internet, the following message appears on the screen; "The current date and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)"
* Users are not able to playback certain rental video downloaded from the PlayStation Store before the expiration date.

We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.

As mentioned above, Please be advised that the new slim PS3 is not affected with this error. We are doing our best to resolve the issue and do apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Although much of this repeats what we know of the problem, it is telling that users are being officially warned NOT to use their PS3 systems, even though an earlier statement suggested that it was alright to use the machines as long as there was no attempt to access the PlayStation Network. Also, there seems to be a tacit acknowledgment that certain data may be irretrievable.

PS3 owners are being asked to check the official blog for further information.



I seem to read over the part that acknowledges that.. The only thing I can imagine being lost is trophies/save data that were earned or changed during this problem.. and even then I don't see a new firmware update deleting any files whatsoever.. your making a elephant out of a worm

Currently playing: MAG, Heavy Rain, Infamous


Getting Plat trophies for: Heavy Rain, Infamous, RE5,  Burnout and GOW collection once I get it.


Hyruken said:
joeorc said:
Hyruken said:
joeorc said:
Hyruken said:

If EVERY Fat Ps3 has been affected.

How will those people who don't have it connected to the internet (which seems a lot) fix the problem if it is fixed via a update?

Seriously what an epic fuck up.

a CD disc could be sent out with the BIOS fix on the CD

A CD disc....

Man i feel sorry for those people if they can't play their consoles until they get that!

As for the hardware failure thingy i was just kidding.

However this would have to be counted as a hardware failure seeing as it is the machines themself that are broken, it is nothing to do with PSN as millions of people are not even connected to it and have the same problem.

To me a hardware fault simply means that, something that stops it from working. Can wrap it up in whatever you like but that is the reality of it. if something is not working then it is broken is it not?

no it's not the same thing, if your system can still be turned on and still play some game's and still use the internet. than that is quite the opposite of you turn the unit on and nothing can be even used. this is not the same thing. plus the fact that Sony is stating not to use it until they get the fix is so you don't loose or get corrupted data that connot or may not be be stored correctly. that's not the same AS something like thew yload, or the rrod.

completly not the same thing

But it is. As i said you can wrap it up and run damage control all you like but the fact is a hardware fault inside the older consoles has meant you can't use it, thus it is a hardware fault.

It is the same as if you have a car and have a warrenty. If your driving along on a busy road that has slightly fallen into dis-repair and you drive your car over a pot hole and get a puncture who's fault is that? Your fault because you should not have been there or the companys fault? Obviously punctures happen all the time, it is your fault. If your listening to your cars built in sat nav and all of a sudden it turns off and the electronics frazzle who is to blame? You for using it or the electronics? That would be covered by the warrenty and would be classified as a hardware fault.

It is the exact samething with this with the PS3. Right now the PS3's have a bug in them which meant they cop out due to a software error in the system. Because it does not work is it your fault for playing it and it has been worn out hence why it has broken? Or is it the companies fault for not testing the machine to see if this would happen which meant a unknown bug remained through production now resulting in you not being able to play your machine?

In a court of law they would say it was the companies fault because through no fault of your own the hardware became disabled/broken by issues relating to the actual hardware itself.

Thus it is a hardware fault

no it's not.

coult the PS3 with a YLOAD, OR AN XBOX360 be fixed with a firmware update?


your trying to say that and you cannot even say that is even remotely the same as having to send your unit in to be fixed instead of a firmware update. right now i can turn on my 60GB and use it for web browsing. IF I wanted too. if my PS3 had the the yload,  I could but i could not read any Disc's. but with an RROD nothing. look while i respect you and all

it's no where near the same as a complete failure of hardware.



100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

Around the Network

The title is pure awesomeness, "DON'T TURN ON YOUR FAT ASS PS3" lool

And this really is bad publicity for Sony.. well, at least if Kratos doesn't sell more than 1 million week one, he'll have an excuse lol

I wonder if at around 6:30 P.M. if the PS3s will automatically fix themselves. That would be nice. Would also make it easier on Sony to help on future issues that may arise.

kowenicki said:
gamelover2000 said:
kowenicki said:
gamelover2000 said:
kowenicki said:
Sony has sold more than 30 million old-style PlayStation 3s since 2006

Wow... PS3 undertracked much :O

wtf is that?  where is that from?

So you don't even read the things you post? its the thing you just posted lmfao..

its an irrelevant part of ths story... it didnt even register.

Only a Sony fan woud see that and immediately react as you did.... in the middle of this shit storm


Someone feels BUTTHURT.. xD


anyway it was just a joke.. dont take it so HARD!


The problem is not as BIG as some are making it out to be


I hope this problem doesn't last LONG

Currently playing: MAG, Heavy Rain, Infamous


Getting Plat trophies for: Heavy Rain, Infamous, RE5,  Burnout and GOW collection once I get it.


kowenicki said:
gamelover2000 said:
kowenicki said:
gamelover2000 said:
kowenicki said:
Sony has sold more than 30 million old-style PlayStation 3s since 2006

Wow... PS3 undertracked much :O

wtf is that?  where is that from?

So you don't even read the things you post? its the thing you just posted lmfao..

its an irrelevant part of ths story... it didnt even register.

Only a Sony fan woud see that and immediately react as you did.... in the middle of this shit storm


Can't you just admit a simple typo/mistake? And way to unnecessarily bring up the console war, when all the guy did was point out the really high number, and the called out your blatant denial. If you simply said "Oops", it would have ended by the 3'rd post.

My god, and you're a senior member/contributor too, yet the guy with under 1k post sounds more mature than you.


It's a plot conjured towards replaying MGS4!