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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kratos is such a lame character

Khuutra said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
Khuutra said:

Eh, quite the contrary. Kratos already had to give up the opportunity to be with his daughter ever again in Chains of Olympus - he knows that his place is not with her. Calliope (his daughter) is in paradise, and he is too sullied to ever belong with her, even if she were alive.


The ending of God of War 2 just shows how far off the deep end Kratos has gone. We've seen him progress from trying to get his family back, to trying to rid himself of his past, to trying to get his family back again, to seeing that the whole universe is basically laser-targeting him for endless tragedy.

We've watched him shift from a sympathetic antihero to an apocalyptic supervillain. It's an interesting ride.

You seem to forget why Kratos left his daughter....Persephone(the antagonist) was going to destroy the pillars of the world to free herself from her fate. Kratos had to choose between being with his daughter and saving the world and he choose the world...

Chains of olympus and GOW1 I liked kratos as I stated the game actually had kratos have a purpose , now all kratos did in GOW 2 was just chop off heads with no purpose but his own self.....which in essence makes him lame(only in GOW 2)

No I really didn't forget at all. I also remembered that in order to save the world he had to sully himself by slaughtering the spirits wandering the Elysian Fields.

Like I said: Kratos changed significantly. The apex of his character as a sympathetic antihero was when he tried to kill himself after killing Ares. The point here is that the gods have denied him even that, and it has made him ass-biting insane. He's a nihilist, but instead of holding that there are no intrinsic values he now behaves as if there are no values whatsoever! And now he's going to destroy the world.

That may not be particularly interesting to you but it's a logical growth for his character, and perfectly in keeping with what continues to happen to him. Yes, he's a monster now. You don't like mosnters. That's cool! But it doesn't make him inherently uninteresting.

I suppose I shouldn't call him a total monster - he wasn't a total monster in GoW2 until Athena died, telling him that all of Olympus would deny him. It wasn't until that moment that he decided to bring down the gods altogether, and it wasn't until that moment that he used the Threads of Fate for his giant doomsday plot.

"At that moment kratos knew his destiny wasnt with Calliope , the fates were not that kind"

His fate was to serve the gods and save the world.....the ironic thing is that kratos being with his daughter would mean him and both his daughter would die so he had to do the obvious thing(making the fates not kind).....and also he "sullied" himself AFTER that scene. The guy was a spartan , he killed 100s of men and then ate breakfast with his family the following day/week so that kind of blood on his hands wouldnt phase him.

And another thing.....At the end of GOW 2 ,kratos had control of the thing ruining his life.....his fate. The death of one god would not turn kratos into a monster , that is to suggest that kratos is avenging athena which is far from what he is doing. He was like this from the beginning of GOW2 till the end , killing with no purpose.....Its not that I dont like monsters its just that would a monster continue to be a monster if he had what he always wanted? Kratos could of had what he was fighting for in GOW1 but rejected it in GOW2 for brutality.....I dont find that logical at all



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In every picture I see of Kratos, it looks like he's holding back tears or trying hard not to shit his pants.

(Damn, I can't find that picture of him with the emo hairdo!)

Edit: since it was brought up already no need to add fuel to the fire.

twesterm said:
Khuutra said:

Then why phrase the topic this way? Why not say, "The advertisements in God of War are a turn-off"?

In fact, why even say that? Why make a topic built as a monument to your disappointment with a series you've barely played based on commercials?

  1. Me and words are not friends (you should know this! :-p)
  2. I don't know, I think Kratos is incredibly lame and tired of seeing everywhere and I felt like typing?
  3. Clicked on the wrong thread originally (new mouse that's stupid sensitive)
  4. Didn't originally want to make a new thread but I also didn't want to derail that original thread

Man what would you have thought about this kind of topic as a mod? For reals

@jesus kung fu magic

It would appear that our different readings of the character are not reconcilable, so the last word is yours.

twesterm said:
Scoobes said:
Well... in terms of depth and just genrally being original most video game character are lame as they're generally very one dimensional:

Master Chief? lame
Marcus Fenix? lame
Lara Croft? lame (although the models and Angelina Jolie are hot)
The Prince? lame
Most Final Fantasy characters? generic and lame
Duke Nukem? funny, perverted, but still lame
Nathan Drake? interesting and funny, but fairly generic
Every character in Resident Evil? lame

If you want an interesting character play Planescape Torment or a Bioware game.

But at least those lame/generic characters change things up.

From what I seeonly in random trailers, gifs, advertisements, ect:

  • Master Chief has multiplayer, shoots guns, and drives vehicles.
  • All very generic and something that most characters have done in lots of games, not to mention the helmet thing is really lame.
  • Fenix has multiplayer, has a chainsaw, shoots guns, and at least tries to have something other than super macho-man xtreme attitude
  • Guns? Really? They were invented hundreds of years ago and the chainsaw thing has been done in Doom...1. And he really doesn't have that much extra depth, just the usual military crap.
  • Lara Croft...
  • has tits.
  • The Prince (I don't actually play or pay attention to these games >_>)
  • K
  • Final Fantasy characters - agree, but at least there are a lot of them so they spread out the bad
  • lol
  • Duke Nukem - kicks ass, is funny
  • exactly, a generic parody
  • Nathan Drake - platforms, shoots, like a movie
  • Exactly, like a movie, and a generic action movie = generic character (still a great game)
  • Resident Evil - atmosphere, shooting, story
  • All aspects of the game. Characters are poorly acted (still, lol) and have little to no depth
  • God of War - he's always brutal
  • He's a Spartan. And honestly in the game he does show tit-bits of depth... kinda... during the games. At the end of the day he's just as lame as the other characters mentioned. And it is partly because the game is based around his vengeance.

I think the only time I haven't seen Kratos do burtal stuff was around when God of War II came out and he was trying to kill himself by jumping off a cliff or something like that.  In that one time I actually heard more than grunts and killing!  Other than that, it's ripping guys heads off, ripping their nails off, cutting through them, same ol, same ol.

It's actually sad that any other character from any other game doing any of the things Kratos does on a regular basis would be bad-ass but since it's all Kratos does when he does it, it just seems boring.

Those other above characters may be able to be simplified into simple one dimensional things, but at least they have some sort of variety and that's what I'm getting at. 

Any time anything God of War is mentioned, it's only Kratos being brutal.  Unless you played  and loved the game, you have no reason to assume he's anything other than boring and lame.  Why would I want to play a game that every advertisement about it makes me think he's boring?


A lot of the stuff you mentioned has nothing to do with the character and everything to do with the game, which isn't really what we're debating. I still think Kratos is as lame as 90% of video game characters. It's just the video game characters generally are lame and generic and really a bit crap compared to characters in other media. The remaining 10% is golden though.

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Scoobes said:

A lot of the stuff you mentioned has nothing to do with the character and everything to do with the game, which isn't really what we're debating. I still think Kratos is as lame as 90% of video game characters. It's just the video game characters generally are lame and generic and really a bit crap compared to characters in other media. The remaining 10% is golden though.

You completely missed the point.  The point is that I see other characters doing variety.  I see no variety what-so-ever in God of War and it makes the amazing seem mundane.

I know these characters don't have depth and do things every other game does, but at least they do more than one thing.

Khuutra said:

Man what would you have thought about this kind of topic as a mod? For reals

@jesus kung fu magic

It would appear that our different readings of the character are not reconcilable, so the last word is yours.

It would depend purely on my mood (I moderated more when I was in a bad mood). 

I'm in a fairly good mood today so I wouldn't care.

Yesterday I was pretty angry so I would have probably banned myself. 

A normal day, I might lock it or I might leave it alone.  Depends on how many people bothered me about it and if I cared enough to look.  This thread is 4 pages so I probably wouldn't have cared.  If they bothered me enough when it was 1 page, maybe 2, I might have locked it.

So Master Chief is cool because he has multiplayer? His game does.

Master Chief is cool because he shoots? Kratos slices, stabs, climbs, etc...
Master Chief is cool because he rides a vehicle? Kratos rides a cyclops. Kratos rides on the back of titans. Kratos glides through the air with the wings of Icarus.

Kratos does much more than Master Chief, especially since "multiplayer" has zero to do with his character or why he isn't lame.

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twesterm said:
Scoobes said:

A lot of the stuff you mentioned has nothing to do with the character and everything to do with the game, which isn't really what we're debating. I still think Kratos is as lame as 90% of video game characters. It's just the video game characters generally are lame and generic and really a bit crap compared to characters in other media. The remaining 10% is golden though.

You completely missed the point.  The point is that I see other characters doing variety.  I see no variety what-so-ever in God of War and it makes the amazing seem mundane.

I know these characters don't have depth and do things every other game does, but at least they do more than one thing.

Variety? Most of the characters just shoot or climb or a mixture of the two. Kratos slashes, climbs, spins chains around and uses magic. Neither more or less variety really. Yes he doesn't change his attitude and desire for vengeance, but then that's kinda the point... ya know, like 300. And you started the thread talking about the character, not the game. Variety is more a complaint about the game and gameplay than the character, no?

Kratos is one of the best videogame character, especially if we focus on the action genre. That doesnt mean he is on par with the best characters from booksor movies, though.

His overwhelming rage and his design perfectly fit the settings and story of the game

There are plenty of stupid characters in videogames and a few good ones, I don't say that Kratos is among the best, but he can't be called "lame"

jesus kung fu magic said:
luvtospooge said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
luvtospooge said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
luvtospooge said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
qmoney88 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
qmoney88 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:

He wouldnt be such a lame character if all he was doing was just bashing GOW1 I wouldnt consider him lame as he had a legitimate purpose for what he was doing and you liked him for it.

In GOW2 however , it just felt like a showcase for violence as there was no story holding it felt like torture porn to be honest(ala the SAW movie series)


You must not have payed attention then, there was story holding the game together, its the main reason for me and many other fans to continue pushing on.

80% of the game is you going to irrelevent places to find the sisters of fate.....I hardly consider that a story.

It provides substance and a nice backdrop to the story, visiting these places tells a story of its own, its not just simply the words that are spoken.

Please enlighten me as to the story in each of those they have nothing to do with the main plot.

You must have missed the part as to why he went to find the sisters of fate.

TIP : Zeus and the gods, Titans.

Seriously, replay god of war and god of war 2 because it has a nice story backing them up. I do think, however, that God of war 3's story is looking to be dull, but God of war trilogy as a whole, has one of the best story out there.


ANd to me, kratos is badass. A generic bad ass that is...which isn't bad in any way but it is true that it is getting old pretty quickly.

My new badass is Isaac from Dead Space. A nerd in a space ship full of zombie shit.

From when Gaia tell you about the sisters till when you actually kill the sisters.....there is absolutely no story which is why I saidsp 80% had no story (even more if that).

Uh no? Dude in that 80% there was a whole lot of story! I don't wanna spoil but wow you missed the big chunk. Replay the game buddy.

Send me a message with a summary of it....and make sure its in the timeframe I posted.

Buddy, I got other things to do, why don't you just replay the game or read a detailed summary?


Like what? Post on a gaming forum?

Anyways, it seems you realized that I was right......

No, like actually playing my ps3, going outside to shovel some snow then jogged a little.

And you, instead of trying to satisfy your ego, why not go out and buy god of war collection, replay god of war 2 and come back to post here and tell me if I'm wrong. During kratos' journey to the sisters of fate, he discovered the secrets of the gods and the titan, the secrets of zeus and such. If you say there's no story to god of war 2, just go ahead and say theres no story in mass effect 2. 3/4 of the game is about recruiting your team, and 1/4 about the main plot.