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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kratos is such a lame character

All me have to say about dis is. He he 1 time darling and

A wu di blouse n skirt

does anyting else need me said?

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

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Kasz216 said:
Euphoria14 said:
Kasz216 said:

300 was a very lame movie as well.

Really though, the death of his family doesn't even really effect Kratos anymore.  He doesn't give a shit about them, all he cares about is that HE was wronged.


Dude is having sex minigames... and when he gets the power to go back in time he decides he'd rather kill the gods... rather then say... go back in time and save his families life.


You're actually selling short the one interesting point of Kratos character.  He doesn't really care about anyone but himself and still doesn't.

I think the most interested point about Kratos is that he is awesome.


That in no way makes sense.

For me it makes perfect sense.

It just doesn't make sense to you.

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I will say several things:
1. I think that people hype God of War up a bit too much. It is a great series and all that, but people push it up on the level of Gran Turismo, to which I disagree.
2. Keeping the first point in mind, I have to say that Kratos is an interesting character, even if he is on the brooding side and simple. What he endures is interesting, and the voice acting and narrative is worthwhile. Maybe you don't like him, but Kratos to me is ANYTHING but lame. While I won't hold God of War to be on the level of Halo as far as being a system seller, I will put Kratos on part AT LEAST with Master Chief.

Euphoria14 said:
Kasz216 said:
Euphoria14 said:
Kasz216 said:

300 was a very lame movie as well.

Really though, the death of his family doesn't even really effect Kratos anymore.  He doesn't give a shit about them, all he cares about is that HE was wronged.


Dude is having sex minigames... and when he gets the power to go back in time he decides he'd rather kill the gods... rather then say... go back in time and save his families life.


You're actually selling short the one interesting point of Kratos character.  He doesn't really care about anyone but himself and still doesn't.

I think the most interested point about Kratos is that he is awesome.


That in no way makes sense.

For me it makes perfect sense.

It just doesn't make sense to you.

Just means you're easily pleased while me and kasz seem to be the type to need more than the awesome factor

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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Well... in terms of depth and just genrally being original most video game character are lame as they're generally very one dimensional:

Master Chief? lame
Marcus Fenix? lame
Lara Croft? lame (although the models and Angelina Jolie are hot)
The Prince? lame
Most Final Fantasy characters? generic and lame
Duke Nukem? funny, perverted, but still lame
Nathan Drake? interesting and funny, but fairly generic
Every character in Resident Evil? lame

If you want an interesting character play Planescape Torment or a Bioware game.

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Scoobes said:
Well... in terms of depth and just genrally being original most video game character are lame as they're generally very one dimensional:

Master Chief? lame
Marcus Fenix? lame
Lara Croft? lame (although the models and Angelina Jolie are hot)
The Prince? lame
Most Final Fantasy characters? generic and lame
Duke Nukem? funny, perverted, but still lame
Nathan Drake? interesting and funny, but fairly generic
Every character in Resident Evil? lame

If you want an interesting character play Planescape Torment or a Bioware game.

But at least those lame/generic characters change things up.

From what I seeonly in random trailers, gifs, advertisements, ect:

  • Master Chief has multiplayer, shoots guns, and drives vehicles.
  • Fenix has multiplayer, has a chainsaw, shoots guns, and at least tries to have something other than super macho-man xtreme attitude
  • Lara Croft...
  • The Prince (I don't actually play or pay attention to these games >_>)
  • Final Fantasy characters - agree, but at least there are a lot of them so they spread out the bad
  • Duke Nukem - kicks ass, is funny
  • Nathan Drake - platforms, shoots, like a movie
  • Resident Evil - atmosphere, shooting, story
  • God of War - he's always brutal

I think the only time I haven't seen Kratos do burtal stuff was around when God of War II came out and he was trying to kill himself by jumping off a cliff or something like that.  In that one time I actually heard more than grunts and killing!  Other than that, it's ripping guys heads off, ripping their nails off, cutting through them, same ol, same ol.

It's actually sad that any other character from any other game doing any of the things Kratos does on a regular basis would be bad-ass but since it's all Kratos does when he does it, it just seems boring.

Those other above characters may be able to be simplified into simple one dimensional things, but at least they have some sort of variety and that's what I'm getting at. 

Any time anything God of War is mentioned, it's only Kratos being brutal.  Unless you played  and loved the game, you have no reason to assume he's anything other than boring and lame.  Why would I want to play a game that every advertisement about it makes me think he's boring?


Twesterm that cliff-jumping was both the opening and the ending to the first God of War.

Again: you are not in a position to judge this based on .gifs!

Now if Naz said it he'd be harder to dismiss because he's played the games (somewhat)

Khuutra said:
Twesterm that cliff-jumping was both the opening and the ending to the first God of War.

Again: you are not in a position to judge this based on .gifs!

Now if Naz said it he'd be harder to dismiss because he's played the games (somewhat)

Ah, my bad, it's been a while.

Anyways, I am still only talking about just seeing the advertisements for any game.  You get all that stuff he's doing shoved in your face and there's just so much of it that he makes it seem boring and mundane.

It just makes me not want to bother with the game.  I haven't played it and I feel like I've seen everything he has to offer.  I very well may be wrong, but that's the advertising departments fault, not mine.

twesterm said:
Khuutra said:
Twesterm that cliff-jumping was both the opening and the ending to the first God of War.

Again: you are not in a position to judge this based on .gifs!

Now if Naz said it he'd be harder to dismiss because he's played the games (somewhat)

Ah, my bad, it's been a while.

Anyways, I am still only talking about just seeing the advertisements for any game.  You get all that stuff he's doing shoved in your face and there's just so much of it that he makes it seem boring and mundane.

It just makes me not want to bother with the game.  I haven't played it and I feel like I've seen everything he has to offer.  I very well may be wrong, but that's the advertising departments fault, not mine.

Then why phrase the topic this way? Why not say, "The advertisements in God of War are a turn-off"?

In fact, why even say that? Why make a topic built as a monument to your disappointment with a series you've barely played based on commercials?

Khuutra said:
twesterm said:
Khuutra said:
Twesterm that cliff-jumping was both the opening and the ending to the first God of War.

Again: you are not in a position to judge this based on .gifs!

Now if Naz said it he'd be harder to dismiss because he's played the games (somewhat)

Ah, my bad, it's been a while.

Anyways, I am still only talking about just seeing the advertisements for any game.  You get all that stuff he's doing shoved in your face and there's just so much of it that he makes it seem boring and mundane.

It just makes me not want to bother with the game.  I haven't played it and I feel like I've seen everything he has to offer.  I very well may be wrong, but that's the advertising departments fault, not mine.

Then why phrase the topic this way? Why not say, "The advertisements in God of War are a turn-off"?

In fact, why even say that? Why make a topic built as a monument to your disappointment with a series you've barely played based on commercials?

  1. Me and words are not friends (you should know this! :-p)
  2. I don't know, I think Kratos is incredibly lame and tired of seeing everywhere and I felt like typing?
  3. Clicked on the wrong thread originally (new mouse that's stupid sensitive)
  4. Didn't originally want to make a new thread but I also didn't want to derail that original thread