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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kratos is such a lame character

libellule said:
letsdance said:
being bad ass is lame?

I guess Gears of War is a lame game.

no, but the Gears and Unreal character design is shittest ones ever made in history ...

big arm, big head, big muscle, big p**** ...

that is lame.

Yes Gears is really lame, there all big,cocky and buff but when they die and you walk past them and slightly touch them there filed with helium and go bouncing all over the place, Lame.


OT- Why do you think people like Uncharted so much? Because Drake isn't 6 foot 7 ex body builder with a mohawk hunting down gods and tearing there heads off while screaming about some bullshit. Drake has a personality,Kratos is boring and has no story, hes just another Broly.

Around the Network
Kasz216 said:
Hus said:
Kasz216 said:
Hus said:

Wow i never knew hes was the God flowers and fairies.

Ohh wait hes the faking GOD of WAR in case you don't know, him doing brutal shit every 15 minutes is kinda a given.

Actually... Ares as the God of War... wasn' doing brutal shit every 15 minus.  Nor Mars or Tyr for that matter.

Mythology Note: The Roman gods differed from the Greek gods, hence the mentioning of Ares vs Mars.  Ares was more of a douche and mars was smarter, though neither was particularly evil or doing "burtal" things. 

Well until Marvel Comics anyway... but their Thor is a blonde.

Ares destroying Athens was not brutal shit.

By the way the game is about a soldier that becomes god and fight the freaking Gods of Olympic.

Warring with the Gods might get a bit brutal. 

Ares.. didn't destroy Athens.

You're confusing the game with reality... well myth in reality.

Which this actually hits the nail on what irritates me personally, how everyone claims its so close to actual Greek Mythology but ignore that characters in the game act largely out of their own character for the source material.  Yes Greek mythology is filled with violence and sex, but that typically wasn't their point, they were one part entertainment with the sex and violence and one part tales to teach you somethin, be it respect the gods cause you can't fight their will, build the character of the gods and teach you which ones to appease when you want something, and you had the stories of the morals of society. 

God of War has a LOT of the entertainment part of the Greek Tales but lacks just about all the depth.  The character of the gods are largely wrong, the morals aren't there, it's just the entertainment of the greeks which is sex and violence, which entertains todays teens and grown ups that for some reason never grew out of the teen mentality. 

God of War is basically the action movie version of Greek mythology, while it works, everyone likes an action movie from time to time, not everyone understands why people would be obsessed with an action hero (or anti-hero).  Many people have to have a lot of character development or something they relate to with a character, example Gordon Freeman while the silent hero, his character is that YOU are the character, you imagine him how you want, like many RPGs with the silent main character, and people just relate to a nerd.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

jesus kung fu magic said:
qmoney88 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
qmoney88 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:

He wouldnt be such a lame character if all he was doing was just bashing GOW1 I wouldnt consider him lame as he had a legitimate purpose for what he was doing and you liked him for it.

In GOW2 however , it just felt like a showcase for violence as there was no story holding it felt like torture porn to be honest(ala the SAW movie series)


You must not have payed attention then, there was story holding the game together, its the main reason for me and many other fans to continue pushing on.

80% of the game is you going to irrelevent places to find the sisters of fate.....I hardly consider that a story.

It provides substance and a nice backdrop to the story, visiting these places tells a story of its own, its not just simply the words that are spoken.

Please enlighten me as to the story in each of those they have nothing to do with the main plot.

You must have missed the part as to why he went to find the sisters of fate.

TIP : Zeus and the gods, Titans.

Seriously, replay god of war and god of war 2 because it has a nice story backing them up. I do think, however, that God of war 3's story is looking to be dull, but God of war trilogy as a whole, has one of the best story out there.


ANd to me, kratos is badass. A generic bad ass that is...which isn't bad in any way but it is true that it is getting old pretty quickly.

My new badass is Isaac from Dead Space. A nerd in a space ship full of zombie shit.

luvtospooge said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
qmoney88 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
qmoney88 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:

He wouldnt be such a lame character if all he was doing was just bashing GOW1 I wouldnt consider him lame as he had a legitimate purpose for what he was doing and you liked him for it.

In GOW2 however , it just felt like a showcase for violence as there was no story holding it felt like torture porn to be honest(ala the SAW movie series)


You must not have payed attention then, there was story holding the game together, its the main reason for me and many other fans to continue pushing on.

80% of the game is you going to irrelevent places to find the sisters of fate.....I hardly consider that a story.

It provides substance and a nice backdrop to the story, visiting these places tells a story of its own, its not just simply the words that are spoken.

Please enlighten me as to the story in each of those they have nothing to do with the main plot.

You must have missed the part as to why he went to find the sisters of fate.

TIP : Zeus and the gods, Titans.

Seriously, replay god of war and god of war 2 because it has a nice story backing them up. I do think, however, that God of war 3's story is looking to be dull, but God of war trilogy as a whole, has one of the best story out there.


ANd to me, kratos is badass. A generic bad ass that is...which isn't bad in any way but it is true that it is getting old pretty quickly.

My new badass is Isaac from Dead Space. A nerd in a space ship full of zombie shit.

From when Gaia tell you about the sisters till when you actually kill the sisters.....there is absolutely no story which is why I said 80% had no story (even more if that).

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

MaxwellGT2000 said:
Kasz216 said:
Hus said:
Kasz216 said:
Hus said:

Wow i never knew hes was the God flowers and fairies.

Ohh wait hes the faking GOD of WAR in case you don't know, him doing brutal shit every 15 minutes is kinda a given.

Actually... Ares as the God of War... wasn' doing brutal shit every 15 minus.  Nor Mars or Tyr for that matter.

Mythology Note: The Roman gods differed from the Greek gods, hence the mentioning of Ares vs Mars.  Ares was more of a douche and mars was smarter, though neither was particularly evil or doing "burtal" things. 

Well until Marvel Comics anyway... but their Thor is a blonde.

Ares destroying Athens was not brutal shit.

By the way the game is about a soldier that becomes god and fight the freaking Gods of Olympic.

Warring with the Gods might get a bit brutal. 

Ares.. didn't destroy Athens.

You're confusing the game with reality... well myth in reality.

Which this actually hits the nail on what irritates me personally, how everyone claims its so close to actual Greek Mythology but ignore that characters in the game act largely out of their own character for the source material.  Yes Greek mythology is filled with violence and sex, but that typically wasn't their point, they were one part entertainment with the sex and violence and one part tales to teach you somethin, be it respect the gods cause you can't fight their will, build the character of the gods and teach you which ones to appease when you want something, and you had the stories of the morals of society. 

God of War has a LOT of the entertainment part of the Greek Tales but lacks just about all the depth.  The character of the gods are largely wrong, the morals aren't there, it's just the entertainment of the greeks which is sex and violence, which entertains todays teens and grown ups that for some reason never grew out of the teen mentality. 

God of War is basically the action movie version of Greek mythology, while it works, everyone likes an action movie from time to time, not everyone understands why people would be obsessed with an action hero (or anti-hero).  Many people have to have a lot of character development or something they relate to with a character, example Gordon Freeman while the silent hero, his character is that YOU are the character, you imagine him how you want, like many RPGs with the silent main character, and people just relate to a nerd.

Yeah, that's more or less it I guess.  Kratos is great... for an action hero... so is Arnold Swartzneggar's character in Total Recall.

I think it's important to realize on both sides however that...

Kratos and Douglas Quaid aren't meant to be amazing characters... but just characters that advance the story and give the audience what it's trying to provide a "balls to the wall" action game.

So while this doesn't make Kratos a GREAT character... it makes him servciable for what he's supposed to be... I mean, you really wouldn't WANT a great character in an action movie/game... it'd get in the way of the action.

I mean, look at Mario... if Mario was given a deep story... mario games would be WORSE.


Around the Network
Garnett said:
libellule said:
letsdance said:
being bad ass is lame?

I guess Gears of War is a lame game.

no, but the Gears and Unreal character design is shittest ones ever made in history ...

big arm, big head, big muscle, big p**** ...

that is lame.

Yes Gears is really lame, there all big,cocky and buff but when they die and you walk past them and slightly touch them there filed with helium and go bouncing all over the place, Lame.


OT- Why do you think people like Uncharted so much? Because Drake isn't 6 foot 7 ex body builder with a mohawk hunting down gods and tearing there heads off while screaming about some bullshit. Drake has a personality,Kratos is boring and has no story, hes just another Broly.

yeah and Broly was fucking bad-ass,

Kratos sits in a chiar, next  to Broly and the Joker in the Hall of the baddest mudafukkas that ever lived.

WAR from darksiders is lame, Alex Mercer is LAAAAAAAME, if your and uber badass who like to destroy shit...... Be an uber badass.

Ya'll mad Kratos knows what he is.

shit if inbetween all that murder he decided to sit and cry about some bullshit to show his sensitive side, that would be lame, and really really gay,

seriously you DUDES need to grow some balls, and evenjoy being a MAN for once and do manly things. like the greek gods, and north's god's, who did nothing but eat, fuck, and kill shit! like a real-badass

bunch of wussies

Also note, I basically stated one of the main issues many people have, that some people really don't understand why anyone would enjoy an action hero as a character, mostly because of their personal view of what makes a character interesting.

It's perfectly fine to state exactly why you feel a character is generic, or you don't like them.

It is NOT ok to start trolling other characters and dragging other games into this thread because you can't/won't make a proper rebuttal to the statements made, the topic is already filled with it, if I moderate one person for it I'll have to moderate EVERYONE for it, and I don't mind going through a 100+ posts to do it (I've already read them all), so please from this point on, try to stay on topic cause I really don't want to have to moderate a ton of posts.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

gamings_best said:
Garnett said:
libellule said:
letsdance said:
being bad ass is lame?

I guess Gears of War is a lame game.

no, but the Gears and Unreal character design is shittest ones ever made in history ...

big arm, big head, big muscle, big p**** ...

that is lame.

Yes Gears is really lame, there all big,cocky and buff but when they die and you walk past them and slightly touch them there filed with helium and go bouncing all over the place, Lame.


OT- Why do you think people like Uncharted so much? Because Drake isn't 6 foot 7 ex body builder with a mohawk hunting down gods and tearing there heads off while screaming about some bullshit. Drake has a personality,Kratos is boring and has no story, hes just another Broly.

yeah and Broly was fucking bad-ass,

Kratos sits in a chiar, next  to Broly and the Joker in the Hall of the baddest mudafukkas that ever lived.

WAR from darksiders is lame, Alex Mercer is LAAAAAAAME, if your and uber badass who like to destroy shit...... Be an uber badass.

Ya'll mad Kratos knows what he is.

shit if inbetween all that murder he decided to sit and cry about some bullshit to show his sensitive side, that would be lame, and really really gay,

seriously you DUDES need to grow some balls, and evenjoy being a MAN for once and do manly things. like the greek gods, and north's god's, who did nothing but eat, fuck, and kill shit! like a real-badass

bunch of wussies

Yeah Broly was a bad ass alright he only got owned like what 3 times? and by little kids LOL, So much for the "Legendary Super Saiyan".

Joker actually looks like a joke, its his personality that makes him bad ass, a personality is what Kratos and Broly both are lacking.

jesus kung fu magic said:
luvtospooge said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
qmoney88 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
qmoney88 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:

He wouldnt be such a lame character if all he was doing was just bashing GOW1 I wouldnt consider him lame as he had a legitimate purpose for what he was doing and you liked him for it.

In GOW2 however , it just felt like a showcase for violence as there was no story holding it felt like torture porn to be honest(ala the SAW movie series)


You must not have payed attention then, there was story holding the game together, its the main reason for me and many other fans to continue pushing on.

80% of the game is you going to irrelevent places to find the sisters of fate.....I hardly consider that a story.

It provides substance and a nice backdrop to the story, visiting these places tells a story of its own, its not just simply the words that are spoken.

Please enlighten me as to the story in each of those they have nothing to do with the main plot.

You must have missed the part as to why he went to find the sisters of fate.

TIP : Zeus and the gods, Titans.

Seriously, replay god of war and god of war 2 because it has a nice story backing them up. I do think, however, that God of war 3's story is looking to be dull, but God of war trilogy as a whole, has one of the best story out there.


ANd to me, kratos is badass. A generic bad ass that is...which isn't bad in any way but it is true that it is getting old pretty quickly.

My new badass is Isaac from Dead Space. A nerd in a space ship full of zombie shit.

From when Gaia tell you about the sisters till when you actually kill the sisters.....there is absolutely no story which is why I saidsp 80% had no story (even more if that).

Uh no? Dude in that 80% there was a whole lot of story! I don't wanna spoil but wow you missed the big chunk. Replay the game buddy.

luvtospooge said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
luvtospooge said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
qmoney88 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
qmoney88 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:

He wouldnt be such a lame character if all he was doing was just bashing GOW1 I wouldnt consider him lame as he had a legitimate purpose for what he was doing and you liked him for it.

In GOW2 however , it just felt like a showcase for violence as there was no story holding it felt like torture porn to be honest(ala the SAW movie series)


You must not have payed attention then, there was story holding the game together, its the main reason for me and many other fans to continue pushing on.

80% of the game is you going to irrelevent places to find the sisters of fate.....I hardly consider that a story.

It provides substance and a nice backdrop to the story, visiting these places tells a story of its own, its not just simply the words that are spoken.

Please enlighten me as to the story in each of those they have nothing to do with the main plot.

You must have missed the part as to why he went to find the sisters of fate.

TIP : Zeus and the gods, Titans.

Seriously, replay god of war and god of war 2 because it has a nice story backing them up. I do think, however, that God of war 3's story is looking to be dull, but God of war trilogy as a whole, has one of the best story out there.


ANd to me, kratos is badass. A generic bad ass that is...which isn't bad in any way but it is true that it is getting old pretty quickly.

My new badass is Isaac from Dead Space. A nerd in a space ship full of zombie shit.

From when Gaia tell you about the sisters till when you actually kill the sisters.....there is absolutely no story which is why I saidsp 80% had no story (even more if that).

Uh no? Dude in that 80% there was a whole lot of story! I don't wanna spoil but wow you missed the big chunk. Replay the game buddy.

Send me a message with a summary of it....and make sure its in the timeframe I posted.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!