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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Alan Wake to run at 720p w/ 30fps & 4xAA

Alan Wake could set a new benchmark in Xbox 360 graphics: According to a moderator of the official Remedy forum, Alan Wake runs in constant 30 FPS. Some menus and manuscript pages will locked to 60 FPS. And: The Xbox 360 hardware gives them the ability to apply 4xAA on trees and bushes.,692745/Alan-Wake-fuer-Xbox-360-laeuft-mit-30-Frames-pro-Sekunde/News/&sl=de&tl=en&hl=&ie=UTF-8


i dont think its groundbreaking like how MS hyped it out to be but i still want to play it....


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Tiko7523 said:

Alan Wake could set a new benchmark in Xbox 360 graphics: According to a moderator of the official Remedy forum, Alan Wake runs in constant 30 FPS. Some menus and manuscript pages will locked to 60 FPS. And: The Xbox 360 hardware gives them the ability to apply 4xAA on trees and bushes.,692745/Alan-Wake-fuer-Xbox-360-laeuft-mit-30-Frames-pro-Sekunde/News/&sl=de&tl=en&hl=&ie=UTF-8


i dont think its groundbreaking like how MS hyped it out to be but i still want to play it....


Holy shit, 4AA? Most games have 2AA on characters, but this game has 4AA on vegetation? Wow...



Thanks to Malibu at B3D for this:

We hate dithering and aliasing just as much as you I think. Hardware 4xAA on the Xbox360 is nice for a lot of things - it did take us a while to get the most out of it (E.g, refactoring the renderer quite a few times).

Shadow aliasing doesn't really have anything to do with the generic framebuffer resolution or aliasing quality, but having the game run with 4xAA in the framebuffer is kind of rubbing in any other visual quality problems there might be.

We don't like ugly things, so we fix them before shipping.

We like 4xAA. Due to the alpha-to-coverage feature on the Xbox 360 GPU, it's one of the key reasons we can render a lot of "alpha test" foliage like trees and bushes without them starting to shimmer or dither (as alpha-to-coverage with 4xAA effectively gives us 5 samples of alpha "blend" without actually using alpha blend). Of course that leads into a lot of interesting ways how to get the the other "standard" z-buffer based rendering schemes to not alias, but let's not get into that discussion right now.

The game is locked to 30 FPS (well, except menus, manuscript pages, etc which run at 60 FPS). All cinematics are guaranteed to run 30 FPS (as we actually background load the next location, in case there's a location change). If you saw video tearing in the published press material, it's 99% due to video sync issues (E.g, PAL video cams or 59.97 Hz vs. 60.00 Hz screen update).

While playing Alan Wake on a Xbox 360, if the game framerate drops below 30 FPS we resort to screen tearing (same idea as Gears of War uses).

We're right now just fixing bugs and making sure nowhere in the game would the framerate never dip below 30 FPS. I know there's still a few heavy locations in the game where we resort to dipping below 30 FPS, but we're working very very hard to get all those solved.

4xAA on trees, shadows, and vegetation is pretty beefy.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

I posted the actual dev comments. I am not sure where they got that only trees and vegetation are being run through 4xAA.

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JaggedSac said:
While playing Alan Wake on a Xbox 360

Is he saying that we can play it on something else? Alan Wake PC is back?

JaggedSac said:
I posted the actual dev comments. I am not sure where they got that only trees and vegetation are being run through 4xAA.

Oh I understand that, but to think about all the vegetation and trees in the game, and think it uses 4xAA...that's pretty demanding.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

huaxiong90 said:
JaggedSac said:
I posted the actual dev comments. I am not sure where they got that only trees and vegetation are being run through 4xAA.

Oh I understand that, but to think about all the vegetation and trees in the game, and think it uses 4xAA...that's pretty demanding.

I was referring to the OP.  The 4xAA is done on a buffer of pixels, it doesn't matter what is in it.  Unless they are doing it differently that what I am aware of.

And yes, it is cool that they squeezed 4xAA into it.

Asmo said:


JaggedSac said:
While playing Alan Wake on a Xbox 360

Is he saying that we can play it on something else? Alan Wake PC is back?



The other day, while i was playing Mario Galaxy on a Wii, i let the wii-mote fall down and it made this strange noise : "no".

Got my eye on this game. Heres hoping the game play is gonna be as good as the graphics. Im still on the fence about getting this game. Ill wait for some good reviews if it reviews good ill pick it up if not ill wait till it drops to $30 and get it then.

Long Live SHIO!