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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is It Possible 4 The PS3 To Sell 100M B4 It's Off The Market?... I Think So - UPDATE 85 Millionz Reached


Will The PS3 Sell 100M Before Its off The Market?

no Wii will always be ahead 56 38.89%
iz possible 46 31.94%
yes number 1 console of 7th gen 39 27.08%
dejelek said:

i see 100 mil xbox first rather than ps3,

if ps3 go to 200USD, MS easily drop the price too, remember it is just recently ps3 sonsole price give sony some profit

it is as easily as this, ps3 go to 199, xbox arcade goes to 129.



-ms already have 200$ 360 on market(heck u can find it even cheaper for like 150 or so and arcade is top selling model) so on price war thing ms can do little when ps3 hits 199, ms ll hit wall with prices sooner than sony people

-i love when xbox fans say ms can lower the price anytime they want, why dont ey just put 150 or 200$ price tag on slim right now and finish off ps3 just like that????? can any1 answer??

and how do u know ms is making on hardware sales? especially big margin?

pls. link

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Unless the PS3 gets an unusually long life. But the thing is, it won't live on well into another generation like the Atari 2600, NES, SNES, MegaDrive (in Europe), PS1 and PS2 did. Those consoles got long lives becasue they had massive libraries of games that massively outnumbered the libraries of the newer consoles.

When the new generation starts, PS3 will lose its advantage of having the best graphics, and maybe it won't be the only one with blu-ray anymore, and in a few years, the new market leader will have just as many games as the PS3, and PS3 will stop selling.


There is no way it will reach 100 million. 60 million is improbable.

I would say yes, depending. The same is possible for 360.


It will be quite an achievement if so for either coonsole.


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bump for reaching 3/4 mark and will have sold an extra 50M+ since thread was made


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Looking quite likely. I'd give it about 70% chance at this point if Sony keep it around for another 4 years. And if they keep YOY declines relatively small this year with a price cut it might even do it in less than 3.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

Another great prediction that will comes true.

i like double cheeseburger :)


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