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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Atlus announces upcoming 360 games.

Garcian Smith said:
Atlus? On MY 360??

Seriously, this is excellent news. Atlus seems to love to tinker with the console RPG genre, such that everything they put out is at least a little off-the-wall. (Unlike a certain nameless developer whose name begins with S and ends with x, who seems content to shovel out generic menu-based crap ever since a certain game of theirs became a megahit back in the Playstation 1 days...)

At any rate, even if an Atlus game isn't perfect, it's usually guaranteed to be entertaining, at the very least. Here's hoping that these games come out well - and make it Stateside. (Which I'd imagine they will, as Atlus USA is growing as a publisher.)

That might make sense if Atlus actually made half of those games. I don't really understand how people can go berserk on SE for putting out a successful series but hugging Atlus for not making any of its own.

That said people shouldn't get too giddy, this isn't the "360 RPG explosion" that's being touted in this thread. Like I said before, Atlus didn't make these games, they were made (and released) by other Japanese developers, the localization is the beggining and end of Atlus's influence. These games have been out in Japan. In the case of Spectral Force 3, that came out in 2006. So Atlus "support" revolves around how many smaller Japanese developers keep putting out games like this so they can bring them over. If they stop, then so does Atlus's "support."

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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darn, i hope they make games for the Wii or i might need to pick up a 360. i really liked etrian odyssey, and get a feeling the kind of style of games atlus makes really suits my taste.

not trauma center though... i'm talking rpgs.

or maybe i'll just stick to the DS... etrian odyssey 2 is coming, i'm sure atlus has more games in the pipeline for the DS.

but i am intrigued by these, along with random things like eternal sonata. maybe when the 360 is below $200.

the Wii is an epidemic.

That is good news... im so glad i brought my elite.

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thank god for atlus

If someone would have told me two years ago that the 360 would slowly become the JRPG system to own, I would have laughed at them and probably smacked them in the nose for being completely retarded.

Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey, Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery, and now Atlus...

What the hell is going on here? How much money is MS feeding JRPG developers?

Or check out my new webcomic:

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its good that more jrpgs are coming to the 360. the last xbox didn't really have many jrpgs, especially compared to Nintendo and Sony.

NOOOOOO!!! I want those freaking RPG's on the PS3 for god sake. Sony is hardly getting any this way *sob*.

Oh well, it all depends on SOIV now whether or not I'll be buying a 360 from Japan... after all. But for now.... NO WAY.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

ClaudeLv250 said:
Garcian Smith said:
Atlus? On MY 360??

Seriously, this is excellent news. Atlus seems to love to tinker with the console RPG genre, such that everything they put out is at least a little off-the-wall. (Unlike a certain nameless developer whose name begins with S and ends with x, who seems content to shovel out generic menu-based crap ever since a certain game of theirs became a megahit back in the Playstation 1 days...)

At any rate, even if an Atlus game isn't perfect, it's usually guaranteed to be entertaining, at the very least. Here's hoping that these games come out well - and make it Stateside. (Which I'd imagine they will, as Atlus USA is growing as a publisher.)

That might make sense if Atlus actually made half of those games. I don't really understand how people can go berserk on SE for putting out a successful series but hugging Atlus for not making any of its own.

That said people shouldn't get too giddy, this isn't the "360 RPG explosion" that's being touted in this thread. Like I said before, Atlus didn't make these games, they were made (and released) by other Japanese developers, the localization is the beggining and end of Atlus's influence. These games have been out in Japan. In the case of Spectral Force 3, that came out in 2006. So Atlus "support" revolves around how many smaller Japanese developers keep putting out games like this so they can bring them over. If they stop, then so does Atlus's "support."

 Actually, Atlus' in-house development studio makes the Shin Megami Tensei games and their spinoffs (Persona, Maken X). They've also created several other IPs, though few of them have made it across the Pacific. Kartia on the PS1 is a good example of a quality title that has.

And even if Atlus USA does a lot of publishing work for other development houses' titles, they should still be commended for doing a damn good job of it. From the PS2 generation onward, they've done excellent translations and hired quality voicework on niche Japanese games that would have never made it outside of their native country otherwise.

And besides, when was the last time that S-E did anything innovative anyway? No, FF12's "this game can play itself" system doesn't count.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Well, that about confirms Operation: Darkness for the good 'ol USA.

Hopefully I get to rent or buy both titles and expand my library of played X360 RPGs (ie, all of them).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

How is it that the 360 is beating both PS3 and Wii in JRPGs?

@Soriku: PS3's got FF XIII, XIII Versus, White Knight Story, Disgaea 3 and shares Last Remnant with 360, 5 amazing RPGs.

How you think that lineup isn't amazing is beyond me.

Wii: Tales game, unknown Monolith Soft game and Fire Emlem.

Somehow I think the PS3 lineuo is a little more impessive. Square, Level 5 and NIS, all I need is Atlus to announce Persona 4 for PS3 and I'll be happy with PS3 JRPGs list for a long time.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!