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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Just Dance, metascore 47

Note that some review sites get it. Read the reviews for the higher scores.

Then I went on youtube and searched for "just dance wii". Wow, people really like this game. From what I read, seems like a kareaoke machine for dancing. Just that. No unlockables. Not many modes of play. Just dance and get a grade with friends. No wonder its selling so well and I think it deserves every sale it gets.

I'm not a big kareoke fan and I'm more of a gamer so I might not like this one, but I have other dance games that I like. But I can certainly see why this game sells. I can also see the ignorance of sites like IGN. Their review is so ridiculous. Even the site that rated the game a 0/10 mentioned things about the game more than IGN did (but it still didn't count like a review that he posted why he gave that score).

Reviewers are so out of touch with reality...

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I take back what I said about not getting this game. Seen more videos on youtube and read a bit more. My girlfriend is going to love this game. Definitely getting it. :)

At this point Amazon reviews have more credibility than IGN.

I'd love to see an IGN editorial that complains about the crime that is Just Dance's success and how the Wii is destroying our industry.

I might buy this game.

ouch tough crowd

that is kinda harsh reviews, i mean it doesn't deserve a 20 on ign or 47 on metacritic.. it should atleast get a 60

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lmao man this game looks fuckin funny i may look into gettin this me and my friends would have a blast with this

I like it.. no career mode.. no presure... just fun.. I ain't gonna dance 5 hours just to unlock MC Hammer or Cyndi Lauper.. I just want to have fun with my friends and watching everyone dance..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

The perfect Wii games: reviewers hate it, users love it.

Keep up the good work Ubisoft, you have reached a market so few have been able to, unless your name is Nintendo.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
Severance said:
IGN can do everyone a favor and shut up. even if the game is bad they shouldn't said that. instead be more professional

IGN and professional don't belong in the same sentence.

kowenicki said:
My 9 year old daughter loves it.... she plays it as much as she plays animal crossing (which she now loves after at first hating) and way more than she plays eye pet, which is gathering dust.

I'm glad she is into to it too, great exercise for her.... she really gives it some!

Can games that appeal to girls much more so than guys ever get good scores on metacritic?

Something tells me the answer is "No." Metacritic may have its uses, but for a game like this it's pretty useless. Read the IGN review and see the whines to know what I mean. One quote jumped out to me in particular:

There are no buttons to be pressed, no unlockables, no tiers of songs, no progression of any kind.

Yeah. Since when did games need any of these things? Especially unlockables, which is one of the most annoying "features" of current games we're forced to put up with. Even Nintendo can learn from this - it's idiotic when playing Mario Kart or Smash Bros at someone else's house with a group of friends and being forced to play with less content (less characters, vehicles, stages, etc) simply because the owner did not yet "earn" it.

edit: Wanted to add to those claiming this is the "worst best-selling game ever," that this game is getting great user reviews. The game is being praised, really. This can't be said about the other low scoring high sellers like Deca Sports or Game Party.