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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why did you buy your Xbox 360?


Why did you buy your Xbox 360?

Brand Loyalty 8 4.37%
Xbox Live 14 7.65%
Exclusives and console exclusives 54 29.51%
Overall game library 41 22.40%
First HD console 24 13.11%
Other (specify) 42 22.95%

Well, i will re-buy because the FFXIII bundle. But my first one was because of Tales of Vesperia.

Exclusive games then.

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It was cheap ($200 Refurbished while it was still $400 new), I wanted a media center extender which were as expensive as it was, and there were a few games I wanted to play (most of which I was heavily disappointed with) ... I am very happy with my purchase being that it gets used regularly (even if it is just to stream a movie) and there have been some games I thoroughly enjoyed (Bioshock, Borderlands)

A little bit of everything.

XBox Live - Still the best service imho, tho obviously it's costing me $30 or less a year (Thanks to recent deals through Amazon and Sears). Every game has some sort of online function these days.

Slight Brand Loyalty - The Original XBox system was a beast, both in size and power. It was a durable system that offered the best in graphics (most of the time) when games were multi platform. I was really happy with the original XBox so I figured the 360 would be just the same.

The time it was released - The 360 was out the door first before the Wii and PS3. The temptation was just way too hard to pass up. I wanted to jump in.

I got my 360 two months after launch due to supply issues. The 720/whatever it will be called will most likely be my only next gen system for some time due to time constraints and money.

It's just that simple.

  • Xbox Live clan
  • Halo and Fable
  • Kameo :D

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

Alwayys been a multiconsole owner just so I dont miss out on games

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"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

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I choose Brand Loyalty. I had Xbox 1, IMO it shit all over PS2 and i knew Xbox 360 would be no different. Plus when 360 launched in 05 it was HUGE! It was on the news, people everywhere were talking about it.

Well for the first one it was the only thing available at the time.
Second one was for Star Ocean 4.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Dead or Alive 4 actually. But it didn't take long for other games to get my interest.

Truth does not fear investigation

Halo 3.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

Mainly because it was way less than the Playstation 3 at the time and I guess because it had more JRPG's at the time also.

Odd. Future. Wolf. Gang. Kill. Em. All. OFWGKTA Don't give a fuck!

Fuck Steve Harvey. FREE EARL!

Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be the GREATEST game EVER made!!!

I'd take a bullet for Square-Enix!