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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Halo: Reach Thread

wyvers said:
do we already know if it's a real HD Halo this time?

What the hell is that supposed to mean? You clearly don't have a 360 and your trying to flaimbait so I suggest you leave and not come back.


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Mendicate Bias said:
wyvers said:
do we already know if it's a real HD Halo this time?

What the hell is that supposed to mean? You clearly don't have a 360 and your trying to flaimbait so I suggest you leave and not come back.

1. Yes, i have. Sorry for ya

2. I've read they updated their engine and as the last one wasn't 720p,so i asked if Reach will be 720p if their anyway updating their engine.

wyvers said:
Mendicate Bias said:
wyvers said:
do we already know if it's a real HD Halo this time?

What the hell is that supposed to mean? You clearly don't have a 360 and your trying to flaimbait so I suggest you leave and not come back.

1. Yes, i have. Sorry for ya

2. I've read they updated their engine and as the last one wasn't 720p,so i asked if Reach will be 720p if their anyway updating their engine.

No need to be sorry for me.

Then you could have asked if it would be running in 720p. Not asked if it was a "real" HD Halo, since that wording is clearly insinuating. The majority of "HD" games do not run at 720p anyways. 

Also yes it was already confirmed the game will be running in 720p


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers


wyvers said:

No problem. Sorry if I came off harsh, its late and I need to go to sleep. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers

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And while it sounds like the number of people who can play in a single multiplayer map will be going up, it won't be a big increase.

"Don't expect an exponential leap in the number playing in a multiplayer match," Jarrard said.



OP the main post is looking very nice great job!!!!

@JaggedSac, yeah I'm thinking they might increase it to 20 players instead of 16, for an even ten on ten

BenVTrigger said:
OP the main post is looking very nice great job!!!!

@JaggedSac, yeah I'm thinking they might increase it to 20 players instead of 16, for an even ten on ten

That would be awesome!!  And they could call it big ass team slayer!

JaggedSac said:
Reach has reached ALPHA:

Alpha RC1

We recently cut our first Alpha Release Candidate. The huge amount of work that the team put into this build has resulted in an RC that fixes the overwhelming majority of game breaking issues. Issues like crashes, networking bugs, and glaring graphical glitches have been identified, targeted, and resolved. That means significant parts of Halo: Reach’s multiplayer are now that much closer to our extremely high “shippable” quality bar.

Now that we have an RC build cut, we’ll spend some time running it through an intensive test cycle, fixing any other Pri 1 issues that come up and generating additional RCs as needed before we release the Alpha for certification. To put this in a little bit of perspective, less than a month ago there were over a thousand bugs flagged as “fix-by Alpha.” We’ve burned through those in a gargantuan “bug smash” effort to make sure we ship the Reach Alpha in the most polished and stable state possible.

Milestones like Alpha have a huge galvanizing effect across the entire team. Art, Animation, Engineering and Design have all made enormous strides as we prepare to let the outside world get their hands on the game for the first time. Some genuinely new, crazy, and fun multiplayer stuff has come together to make this a really great milestone. The Alpha testers are in for some surprises.

In a few weeks we’ll release the Alpha to a small population. It’s a great opportunity for us to iron out the wrinkles with a smaller scale audience (thousands as opposed to millions). Using their feedback, we’ll build a better Beta. Which we’ll share with you on May 3rd!


This is excellent news, thanks for the post, i'll feature this in the main OP. Gave me an idea for a new section called "News of the Week".

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Play Along: XBL & SEN : AlkamistStar

Mendicate Bias said:
AlkamistStar said:
Added some new graphic designs for each section, do you guys like this idea, or is it too much? If so, i'll try to make more, and add different sections. I need help though What would you all like to see added?

I'm liking it.

I'll write up a comprehensive post about the differences between Spartan II and III's that you can add to the opening post if you want. Although it will take me a while to do it since I'm at university and I have to wait until I get home to do it.


@ Mendicate & BenVTrigger

Thanks for the feedback guys, it's MUCH appreciated, and i'll continue working on the thread's main post


Mendicate, that would be AWEEEESOMMMEEEE, lol. Much appreciated, and i would feature it on the main post. Thanks for all the positive feedback, and damage control, lol.

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Play Along: XBL & SEN : AlkamistStar