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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - X10 : Alan Wake Images. Best Graphics on Console Ever. Yeah I said it.

huaxiong90 said:
CGI-Quality said:
huaxiong90 said:
CGI-Quality said:
huaxiong90 said:
NightAntilli said:
masschamber said:
nice and predictable graphics thread, ps3 fans saying it isn't, 360 fans saying it is, and a few reasonable people being dragged into a shouting match
first I'll say what I always say, screenshots are a terrible metric for visuals, unless you have proof of a consistent framerate if alan wake runs at a steady 60 fps, wow, if it runs at 15 fps then it is pretty unimpressive.
second the scope comes into play. Are we being given one super high detail face? that doesn't prove anything, remember code veronica and shenmue had very detailed faces, when the faces were the only thing being focused on. We the game have dozens of highly detailed enemies on screen? will it use fixed camera, will it be in open spaces or closed corridors
all of these things should be influential on visuals
other issue screenshots hide like lod, loading, and animation.
anyway the screens look nice but it is pointless for making a point
also it is a tad hypocritical of some of the people in the thread to complain about one side making threads like this when they have numerous animated gifs showing what they believe to be a visual showcase of their console of choice.

Finally someone with some sense in this thread. If anyone want to see at least some small parts in motion: 

I bet most people commenting here never even saw this, but whatever.

How dare you?!!



That's an awesome trailer, by the way. Looks very impressive. May can't come sooner. <_<

Well, people not agreeing that Alan Wake looks better than everything else don't necessarily "lack sense". It's just that they don't agree and it's not all Sony fans who feel that way either. What happens in a thread like this, which is truly what's so sad here, is the game in question is often ignored in favor of many others (look how off-topic this place has become).

For many, I really don't think it's selnor's opinion that people are against (even if they don't agree with it), it's his approach. Yes, other people behave this way too, from all camps, but selnor has a history that people are no longer going to ignore. A shame really, the forums could do without these types of firestarters.

From all accounts, Alan Wake is shaping up to be quite a game, and it is gorgeous, no doubt about it. But it's hard for someone like myself, who truly can't wait to play this game, sit and see this happen and not say anything, it's troublemaking at it's best and it's tiresome and unnecessary.

He was referring to the people from both camps arguing over which unreleased game has the better graphics. To quote him:


"Yeah, some comparisons simply shouldn't be made in the first place. But I'm getting tired of all the graphics hype, and people being hypocrites because they don't want the other console to have great graphics as well. It makes me sick. As for GOW III, you're right that we should wait till we see the final build, but that should be from both sides, not just the ones that give critique, and it often seems as if people are only allowed to hype it, and anyone who does not, is gonna get flamed and insulted etc. even when neither side has seen the final build. If someone is allowed to say it's the best graphics ever, someone else is also allowed to say he's not impressed. And that shouldn't turn into insults and flame wars because opinions differ. But I guess people in here are not mature enough. In this thread we already saw countless of those individuals. I'm not saying any names, because I'm not attacking anyone personally, it's just a general statement.

What also makes me sick is that only exclusives tend to get that hype, even when multi-plats tend to look just as good or better. I hear no one talking about FarCry 2 for example, while it has amazing graphics on the consoles. Or assassin's Creed II. Or my personal favorite, Mirror's Edge. In the end it's all something to brag about one's own console, which is simply not needed in the first place if you're really happy with it. Why all the hate to the other side to defend your console? Downplaying the other console isn't gonna make yours better.. It'll damage the reputation of people who share the same console as you. And I see this happening from one side way more than the other. Which side is which, I'll leave for anyone to decide for themselves, since again their opinion might differ, but the essence of my message has been delivered."


And he's correct.


Also, I agree with you. My response to CommonMan earlier was the same thing. I don't think it's selnor's opinion that's the problem, but rather his history. Like I stated many times, I'm all for honest educated opinions and supporting preferred platforms. But when he takes this approach like he has numerous times before, I just can't commend it. It disappoints me, too, as I really wish it should never come down to this.

Well, there's parts of that I agree with, and parts that I don't. Doesn't make it factual, but it is a strong opinion that I can feel in some areas.

Bottomline is, this thread wasn't made with good intentions so it's backlash should not be shocking.

I don't mean it's completely factual, but I do understand where antilli's coming from.


selnor's a good guy, and I highly respect him. But I never understood why it matters so much to him that the Xbox 360's (console) exclusives must have better graphics than PS3 exclusives.

I think I know wow to put how absurd the graphics comparison between modern consoles is

the level of awesome furnished by having George Plimpton not with standing think about how absurd the comparison is, more life like, really?

but then again the graphics war goes all the way back to the coleco handheld football vs the mattel handheld football, yep my red LEDs look better than your red LEDs

at this point trying to say which has better visuals between the HD twins is pointless, the main difference will ultimately come from biases, which we all have and unless their is an undeniable difference like frame rate problem or atrocious amounts of Lod'ing as far as I'm concerned the PS3 and 360 are in a dead heat honestly Gears, Uncharted, Killzone, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, no matter what it is, if their is some huge difference it is mainly in your head



NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I thought Mass Effect 2 had the best graphics evaaar?

I just find these graphical dick measuring contests to be so sad. At least this time he added the qualifier of "consoles". Usually I have to remind people the they best looking game is Crysis a PC game launched more than 2 years ago (2007!). Despite only talking about consoles it seems pretty silly to be splitting hairs about which game may or may not have the best graphics when the PC took the crown and went home years ago. What we should be debating is gameplay, and since none of us have played AW perhaps we should just hold off an wait?


Assuming those are real shots not bullshots I would have to say it looks great for a console game. I would love to see it running next to UC2 to compare them in motion. It may or may not be the best, but its in the running at least. Or so it seems based on those screenies. Oh course we all saw how Forza turned out so I'm gonna withhold judgement.


The last point I wanted to make was about Heavy Rain. While the character models look great their movements are almost comically wooden. Watching the boobiez trailer from a few weeks back it was hard not to notice that they obviously cheaped out on the motion-capture. Great models that move unrealistically does not good graphics make. That said I have nothing against the game, I just don't get the hype about how it looks. UC2 and KZ2 are both far better looking when you look at lighting, movement, and in the case of UC2 even texturing.

Lets talk technical merits- dynamic vs static lighting, character models, textures, ect. Or everybody could just go and flame each other for the next dozen pages...

XBL: WiiVault Wii: PM me  PSN: WiiVault

PC: AMD Athlon II Quadcore 635 (OC to 4.0ghz) , ATI Radeon 5770 1GB (x2)

MacBook Pro C2D 2.8ghz, 9600m GT 512 iMac: C2D 2.0, X2600XT 256


I think heavy rain looks more realistic.

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

Every single post in this thread is Opinion. 


And what exactly makes a good looking game? No one can answer that.

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CGI-Quality said:
Garnett said:

Every single post in this thread is Opinion. 


And what exactly makes a good looking game? No one can answer that.

Well they can answer it. But as you said, even THAT would be an opinion.



Threads like this should always have "IMO" At the end of the title. That should be a rule.

CGI-Quality said:
averyblund said:

I just find these graphical dick measuring contests to be so sad. At least this time he added the qualifier of "consoles". Usually I have to remind people the they best looking game is Crysis a PC game launched more than 2 years ago (2007!). Despite only talking about consoles it seems pretty silly to be splitting hairs about which game may or may not have the best graphics when the PC took the crown and went home years ago. What we should be debating is gameplay, and since none of us have played AW perhaps we should just hold off an wait?


Assuming those are real shots not bullshots I would have to say it looks great for a console game. I would love to see it running next to UC2 to compare them in motion. It may or may not be the best, but its in the running at least. Or so it seems based on those screenies. Oh course we all saw how Forza turned out so I'm gonna withhold judgement.


The last point I wanted to make was about Heavy Rain. While the character models look great their movements are almost comically wooden. Watching the boobiez trailer from a few weeks back it was hard not to notice that they obviously cheaped out on the motion-capture. Great models that move unrealistically does not good graphics make. That said I have nothing against the game, I just don't get the hype about how it looks. UC2 and KZ2 are both far better looking when you look at lighting, movement, and in the case of UC2 even texturing.

Lets talk technical merits- dynamic vs static lighting, character models, textures, ect. Or everybody could just go and flame each other for the next dozen pages...

Your post is contradictory. You say that these comparisons are sad, yet you participate in them. Then you judge games you've yet to play.

My point is that its silly, not that I don't have an opinion. Very clear distinction. Sorry if you missed that. I never said I needed to play either one just see footage hence my comment on Heavy Rain looking worse than UC2. I've played one and seen the other in motion. UC2 has realistic movements Heavy Rain looks stiff. What I did say was they I don't 100% trust those screenshots (or video), but if they are real then it is competitive. If they are bullshots than UC2 still holds the (console) crown.  Everything I said in the original post was fairly clear.


Did you have a point whatsoever or where you just trying to be obtuse?


Edit: Just saw your sig. Perhaps you think I'm insulting your game. That was certainly not the intention. It looks great, just not UC2 great.

XBL: WiiVault Wii: PM me  PSN: WiiVault

PC: AMD Athlon II Quadcore 635 (OC to 4.0ghz) , ATI Radeon 5770 1GB (x2)

MacBook Pro C2D 2.8ghz, 9600m GT 512 iMac: C2D 2.0, X2600XT 256


selnor said:

Couldnt care less what a few peeps think. I am blown away by what I'm seeing in Alan Wake. It's truly another level of visual fidelity entirely. Crysis 2 on consoles has it's work cut out. The shadows are so intricate, the lighting astonishing and the texture detail and draw distance amazing. You can tell the last 7-8 months has been nothing but polish. The game was finished 1 month after E3 09. Beautiful.


Stop making best graphics threads. You've been wrong....EVERY time

Beautiful game, shame this thread went the wrong way due to your OP and title.

I am really sad this game won't be on the PC.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

You shouldn't judge a game's graphics based on 5 pictures out months before the games release. You don't know of those are cutscenes or actual gameplay. If it's actual gameplay then it looks great.