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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN: Best Games OVERALL! (And the winner is....)

Impressive seeing a movie spin off in there given the high suckiness rate of movie spin off games (of course not directly spun off from a movie but rather exists within the universe created by a movie franchise, which of course shows the way for how to make a good movie-game connection).

The sad thing is I've never played any of them. I will be playing Uncharted 2, I'll probably play Fallout 3, and if SOTC gets a PS3 re-release I will be into that too.

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freebs2 said:
pastro243 said:
freebs2 said:
Half Life 2 for the first place= I can agree with that
No Metroid Prime in the list= Blasphemy!
Uncharted 2 =doesn't deserve to be on the list

Why not? It got a lot of critical acclaim.

How can they judge the importance of a game in a decade when it's only been out for 2 months? and beside that I don't agree with all the critical acclaim it has got. It's a game with gorgeus graphics and presentation but beside that it hasn't got anything that I haven't seen in other games before and it's also too repetitive in my opinion. Lots of games deserve a lot more to be on that list, -there isn't even Resident Evil4- I even preferred Jak2 also made by naughty dog instead

Well, they are not judging importance, they can obvously say if they think its a better game than the rest of the games just after they play it, doesnt have to have anything new if its well executed to be better than other games, and its IGNs list so they can give the order they want, after all I dont consider any game on their lists(except maybe wii sports) to be a bad game.

makingmusic476 said:
So they chose the Zelda clone over Zelda.

I love Okami (my sixth favorite game of all time) but c'mon.

Zelda clone over Zelda?


I thought you meant SotC :S

i know that you can never truly please everyone with these lists, but i have to say that half-life 2 at number one is such a fashionable choice that i am almost on the verge of calling it the most overrated game in the past decade. it's not a bad game by any means, i just never found it to be all that great. the snubbing of metroid prime, resident evil 4, and halo: combat evolved doesn't sit well with me either as at least one of those three deserved to make it. the only games i agree with on that list are super mario galaxy, uncharted 2, and grand theft auto III. i think that call of duty 4, gears of war 1, and metal gear solid 4 all could have made it also. just an opinion of course and it's a little obvious that i have a liking for shooters.  can't help it though.

Too many recent games. I don't know if it was intentional, but there are some ancient games that were trully benchmarks for their decade.

If this was an overall list since gaming started, games like Sabre Wulf for ZX Spectrum, Sensible Soccer on Commodore and Super Mario Bros. on NES would definitely enter that list.


EDIT: Ok, games of the decade. Sorry.


I'm sad GTAIII made that list while Resident Evil 4 was left out.


OH well, IGN...

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Mazty said:

Completed HL2 a few weeks ago. It's just not a good game. It's a generic corridor crawl with bugger all story, bugger all tactics, and the only good parts are the last two levels because of a)Seeing the inside of the Combine HQ b)The all-new-and-improved Gravity Gun.
Halo was made in 2000 and a far, far more influential game than HL2 ever was.
Also what about other genre defying games such as Devil May Cry, God of War, Soul Caliber 2, Call of Duty, Unreal Tournament, Perfect Dark etc?
What a god-awful pile of crap to pick as being the best of the decade.

Then again their choices for the best films for the decade can be described as malignant to the art of film making, missing films such as Gladiator, The Departed, Broke Back Mountain, Last King of Scotland, Downfall etc.

Come on, I know you disagree but calling those games crap? I think its too much.

Well, since Fallout 3 is so similar to Oblivion I interpret that they would have included Oblivion there if Bethesda never made a Fallout. But just like ICO can't be there cos Shadow of Colossi already is, they had to ditch Oblivion in favor of Fallout 3.

I'm happy they didn't put World of Warcraft or a Call of Duty or even a Halo there. Actually they could have put another Blizz game like Diablo 2 but they didn't. Props to IGN.

So, a good list!

Meh, looks like a list with AAA games in a random order...

Hey guys, let's make our own top ten lists! Since I figure it'll get to that point eventually anyhow.

Here's mine:

1. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
3. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
4. LittleBigPlanet
5. Okami
6. Shadow of the Colossus
7. Ico
8. Demon's Souls
9. Metal Gear Solid 3
10. Metal Gear Solid 4
(11. Metal Gear Solid 2)

The MGS games usually to easily top Shadow of the Colossus and Ico, but they haven't aged very well in my mind. I guess that's what happens to story centric games as you slowly forget the story. If I played them again, they'd probably shoot back up a bit. Or maybe not.

Here's a second list limiting things to one game per franchise:

1. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
2. LittleBigPlanet
3. Okami
4. Shadow of the Colossus
5. Ico
6. Demon's Souls
7. Metal Gear Solid 3
8. Super Mario Sunshine
9. Mario Kart Wii
10. Age of Mythology

KylieDog said:
Poor list. Except for Battlefield 1942.

Please reveal your own list, roughly. No, Im not gonna attack it, im just curious since u say this list is bad.