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i know that you can never truly please everyone with these lists, but i have to say that half-life 2 at number one is such a fashionable choice that i am almost on the verge of calling it the most overrated game in the past decade. it's not a bad game by any means, i just never found it to be all that great. the snubbing of metroid prime, resident evil 4, and halo: combat evolved doesn't sit well with me either as at least one of those three deserved to make it. the only games i agree with on that list are super mario galaxy, uncharted 2, and grand theft auto III. i think that call of duty 4, gears of war 1, and metal gear solid 4 all could have made it also. just an opinion of course and it's a little obvious that i have a liking for shooters.  can't help it though.