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Forums - Sony Discussion - Star Ocean: The Last Hope - International - OFFICIAL THREAD!

Crystalchild said:
well, at least we have Japanese Voices, they are way better.. i had no problems so far, and theyre synchronized to lip-movements. (i dunno if the english ones are synched too, though.)

but well.. even with no added Chars (*sniff*..), i love this amazing Game. and hell (!), i just say.. 'where i got Meracle'. the Planet, the decisions made... *_* yes, its definetly hard not to spoiler those amazing Scenes.

but i have 2 Questions:

- how long do i have to play (~roughly) to finish the Game after i got Arumat? i hope LONG. :o
- How's about Achievements? ... are the trophies as hard as i think? i have 5 (!!!) after 25 Hours.

Damn! forget the exact amount of time, all i remember is that its BEFORE you go to the homeworld of Morphus, thats Myuria and buco's home area, you also get him at his debut when he fights against a fugly cave boss...

All i remember is that you get the best character in the entire game Waaay near the end, his ATK power is UNREAL!

But from what i recall, around 15 hours, maybe more depending if you use sprint alot and what level your characters are, i honestly forget, but i do know you get him at around 75% game completion thats for certain. it was disc 3 on the 360 i think.

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i DO sprint like hell.. its just addicting. 0.o

and yes, its before the Morphus' planet.. hmm.. 15 Hours.. i should enjoy them. (and revisit the Colliseum later.. :3)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

maverick40 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Very well done Xxain, i like your style of official thread, well organized.

Wow, i didn't realize it was possible to be so hyped for a game i already played! i actually changed the shipping nao!

And where teh hell did you get those avatars? i've never seen those in CGI-Quality before!


do you like boys?

No. im jus' sayin who wouldn't like the Sephiroth of SO4: i ...

Just LOOK at HIM!

An then go after that other badass, Gabriel Cleste!

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
maverick40 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Very well done Xxain, i like your style of official thread, well organized.

Wow, i didn't realize it was possible to be so hyped for a game i already played! i actually changed the shipping nao!

And where teh hell did you get those avatars? i've never seen those in CGI-Quality before!


do you like boys?

No. im jus' sayin who wouldn't like the Sephiroth of SO4: i ...

Just LOOK at HIM!

haha true,he does look badass. Pity about the main character -_-

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I would rather watch all of infinite undiscoverys cut scenes again than listen to her annoying self. I like Lymle more than her! 'Kay never bothered me.

damn im getti so hyped reading you guy's comments!!!!..I cannoy wait

Xxain said:
damn im getti so hyped reading you guy's comments!!!!..I cannoy wait

you don't have the game? O_o; out of all the people.

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.

lol, I knew Arumat would be Seraphic's favourite

A question: Which BEAT- battle styles should I level up the most?


SMT said:

lol, I knew Arumat would be Seraphic's favourite

A question: Which BEAT- battle styles should I level up the most?

Leave the BEAT as they are by default  , don't change them, they made them the right way.

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.