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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN: Mass Effect 2 is Better than Uncharted 2 - "Deal with it, fanboy"

lets see

from metacritic
uncharted 2
ave review score: 96
base on: 105 critic review
perfect scores: 39

mass effect 2
ave review score: 96
base on: 96 critic review
perfect scores: 30

i guess uncharted 2 is better then as per 9 more critics giving it a perfect score
boohoo for mass effect 2 and ign's pathetic how much did M$ pay em? hm...

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now compare the the massive amount of content found in world of warcraft which to me (4.5 year vet) is the single best game ever created by mankind and i could find millions of people that would agree with me.

opinions are opinions

i think wow is the best game ever made (honestly) and some guy beside me says he hated it but i could write to you for hours about what made wow the best game for me

flowjo said:
now compare the the massive amount of content found in world of warcraft which to me (4.5 year vet) is the single best game ever created by mankind and i could find millions of people that would agree with me.

opinions are opinions

i think wow is the best game ever made (honestly) and some guy beside me says he hated it but i could write to you for hours about what made wow the best game for me

WoW = Drugs.  Those are the only things that deserve to be compared to WoW.  I swear to you, I had an easier time quitting smoking (13 years) than I did WoW (since closed beta).  Best game ever made? Maybe.  Game I completely hate? Maybe.

And I agree, Demon's Souls > ME2 (or any other RPG this gen, hell it is still my favorite period)

dude we got stellar taste thats all i know i had to quit wow after 4.5 years man but i still have urges to play its scary sometimes , truth is the game is so masterfully crafted that its like a vortex of awesome and the experience never really leaves .. im gonna stop now before i get more urges to open my account lol

Having played both for countless hours. UC2 got more hours in play time (multiplayer) then ME2. ME2 just wasn't what I wanted it to be story wise and never got the play time ME had and playing ME2 over again for different endings dragged on to the point of quitting because regardless of the decisions I made it would have little difference in the third one ( some side quest's ask you to chose decision A or B).

I put 400 plus hours into ME with 20 different endings with variations of decisions through each mission I played over a span of 5 Xbox accounts (free ones) with the accounts being different in one way or another only to get some stupid emails in ME2 thanking me for doing something in ME that they already thanked me for in the first one and cameo's of characters I helped with a short conversation of what their doing now. It was a waste of time.

GamerTag/PSN ID JoshmyersBV (please add me I have 2 friends on Xbox Live)

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divwilson50 said:
the awards uncharted 2 won, would tell another story...

Lol Mass Effect 2 was barely released in January, & GOTY awards are at the end of the year.

ME2 or any other game this gen being better my ass.

The two are both very good games, but with Mass Effect 2 I felt like I got my moneys worth. I never played Uncharted 2 a second time. I liked the first Uncharted better, but part 2 was even more of a movie.

The reason they wrote this article in the first place is because of the fanboys on the IGN website who started complaining about how ME2 got a .1 higher score than Uncharted 2. I highly doubt this article would exist if the ME2 page wasn't bombarded with idiots posting about how it couldn't possibly be as good or better than Uncharted 2. I'm playing ME2 right now and I must say this game is awesome. One of the best RPGs of all time. I haven't played Uncharted 2 so I can't say which game is better but I know it would be hard to beat ME2.

You got to think about why he wrote this article. IGN gave mass effect 2 a higher score than Uncharted 2, and many PS3 fanboys were flaming him. They were accusing him of being biased, when in fact the PS3 fanboys were the ones being biased. They never even played ME2, but they left no possibility of it being a better game. This was their reasoning, "impossible, no 360 game can be better than the best PS3 game. Ign is just being completely biased against the PS3. They are PS3 haters because they rated a 360 game higher than Uncharted 2." The IGN staff had to defend themselves from the idiotic PS3 fanboys. Besides, it is nearly impossible to rate a game completely subjectively. When you read a review, your reading an opinion. Deal with it PS3 fanboys. IGN thinks ME2 is better. If you think that they are just being fanboys, than you have no hope and your an idiot who cannot be reasoned with.

FUN Fact: PS3 fanboys are the this article if you don't believe.