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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Future of gaming in a all digital future

Hello I was wondering what you guys think of the upcoming all digital future of gaming and if it will be possible that pyshical releases of video games will still be coming out 50 years from now?  In my opinion it will the way of vinyl with some games being released phyiscally and this will become much more appartent when copyright starts expriing on some of our favorite games! 


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It will go away, imho. Games will be too big to support physical. And developers will continue to push digital. Heck most games install and require updates to play already. Ps5 disks are basically key codes at this point.

I'm very curious to see how the switch 2 handles games.  I don't see cartridges being fast enough nor price effective for modern games. 


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

When I saw an article recently about how Ubisoft is putting in pop-up ads mid-gameplay. Execs at studios want to charge you for reloading a gun or charge you by the hour. On top of we already know games are pulled from digital stores all the time. Xenoblade X and Transformers Devastation are just physical games now.

So I say fuck it up the fucking ass with a fucking sideways cactus. I'm done with modern gaming when I can't buy physical new games.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Digital games are basically rentals. They exist until someone decides they don’t for whatever reason. Though I’m not necessarily against Netflix-style subscriptions, I’m not in the market for full-price rentals. Gaming has personally been going downhill for me anyway so I’d say there’s plenty of retro stuff to last me several lifetimes. No need to enslave myself to the whims of publishers.

S.Peelman said:

Digital games are basically rentals. They exist until someone decides they don’t for whatever reason. Though I’m not necessarily against Netflix-style subscriptions, I’m not in the market for full-price rentals. Gaming has personally been going downhill for me anyway so I’d say there’s plenty of retro stuff to last me several lifetimes. No need to enslave myself to the whims of publishers.

My thoughts exactly. We should stop accepting that digital games should be priced equally as physical games. Not only because of the lack of manufacturing costs, but also because you are not getting a tangible good of which you hold property and some other rights (like selling it for example). Digital is basically: "Look, we grant you permission to play this content, but you cannot transfer or sell this permission, this permission can be revoked (by us, not you) whenever we want and if our digital store closes for some reason we cannot guarantee that you will be able to download this content ever again. Now, give me 80 dolars, please".

It's idiotic. And people just accept this xD

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Vodacixi said:
S.Peelman said:

Digital games are basically rentals. They exist until someone decides they don’t for whatever reason. Though I’m not necessarily against Netflix-style subscriptions, I’m not in the market for full-price rentals. Gaming has personally been going downhill for me anyway so I’d say there’s plenty of retro stuff to last me several lifetimes. No need to enslave myself to the whims of publishers.

My thoughts exactly. We should stop accepting that digital games should be priced equally as physical games. Not only because of the lack of manufacturing costs, but also because you are not getting a tangible good of which you hold property and some other rights (like selling it for example). Digital is basically: "Look, we grant you permission to play this content, but you cannot transfer or sell this permission, this permission can be revoked (by us, not you) whenever we want and if our digital store closes for some reason we cannot guarantee that you will be able to download this content ever again. Now, give me 80 dolars, please".

It's idiotic. And people just accept this xD

Which is where steam excels via sales.  I grabbed halo CE, ori blind and ori will for a total of $17.  I got doom eternal for $9 and hitman world for $25.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

All digital future is not for me. It's fine for some games, it's pointless to have a physical version of FS2020 for example. Yet most games don't need always online access nor do I want to always be online. So physical disks work much better for that and give me some recourse for miss buys like BG3. I'm not buying full price digital games anymore, won't pay for games that are not fully on disc either.

Physical is much cheaper anyway. When I bought the Series X I got Quantum break, Forza 7, Gears 5 and Sunset Overdrive with it for peanuts. All second hand XOne versions I had skipped that generation. Now for 5$ to 15$ in the store.

For VR games I accept that the market is too small for physical games at $30, but still look for physical editions when available.

S.Peelman said:

Digital games are basically rentals. They exist until someone decides they don’t for whatever reason. Though I’m not necessarily against Netflix-style subscriptions, I’m not in the market for full-price rentals. Gaming has personally been going downhill for me anyway so I’d say there’s plenty of retro stuff to last me several lifetimes. No need to enslave myself to the whims of publishers.

what you say is true. There are enough games to last a lifetime and there is no reason to submit to the interests of publishers.

I don't like subscriptions for games, as I'm selective. The best deal is to buy the physical game, play and sell the game. (If you really liked it, buy it again when the price is low). I believe it is 10x better than a subscription that will offer 1000 games that are of no interest to me (or that I already have) and charge me 4x more annually than I would spend buying/reselling a group of games of my choice.

Buy games as physical disc , resell the physical disc, buy again to keep at bargain prices (If you loved the game). Best way to go.

I mean, it's not like physical media is all that great anyway. In due time, ROM chips in cartridges will be erased, disks will corrode.

Also, buy a Blu-ray and you'll be blasted with an unskippable FBI warning or some shit reminding you that you are a little bitch that can do almost nothing with your copy anyways.

Gaming is a little better so I'm getting by disks while they last, but eh, it won't be the end of the world. Piracy will be there even if takes a long time to crack/drop DRMs.






I don't think we will get completely rid of physical media, it's just going to be more niche I guess

I like digital because they don't get out of print. People are selling old games for like 200 USD because they are not available digitally.

Companies already realzied scarcity and lack of backwards compatibility make their IPs getting extra value when remastered and sold full price. With digital stores like Steam having the games available forever full priced remasterers will be harder to sell