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Forums - Sales Discussion - With the addition of Activision games to GamePass, could the Xbox Series surpass the sales of the Xbox 360?

With the addition of Actvision games to the gamepass it could surpass the sales of the xbox 360. Having all the titles call of duty, Diablo, Crash would attract a lot of public attention 

Sorry for not releasing it in English sooner

Last edited by jvmkdg - on 11 November 2023

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Não sei.

Vai depender bastante da qualidade dos jogos e da exclusividade. Mas como a Microsoft sempre lança seus jogos para PC, muitos não se sentem estimulados a comprar um console Xbox.

I dont think so


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jvmkdg said:

With the addition of Actvision games to the gamepass it could surpass the sales of the xbox 360. Having all the titles call of duty, Diablo, Crash would attract a lot of public attention 

Currently it looks like its selling less than the Xbox One, which ended up doing about 57-58m units sold.

Xbox would need to have a huge turn around, from its current sales numbers, to end up anywhere close to xbox360.

I don’t believe Game Pass is a significant driver of Xbox hardware. I don’t believe adding CoD to Game Pass will change that much. And I don’t believe that was the primary intention behind buying Activision either. It was more likely they wanted the major service games Activision owns and to buff up their mobile presence.

No. When you have a 53 percent drop in yearly console sales and don't release much in years but a handful of titles and GP and PC give people less reason to buy a console. If anything Series X might only sell around XBO numbers or lower. Maybe a little bit above but it will be nowhere near 360.

Last edited by Leynos - on 26 November 2023

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

MS needs better exclusives than halo and forza.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

microsoft will lose
