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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - because Nintendo doesn't have an achievement system or trophies like Sony and Microsoft. and how much this is missed by its users

Sorry for my English, I'm Brazilian, I decided to open this topic to find out users' opinions because Nintendo doesn't have an achievement system and it's needed for Switch users

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jvmkdg said:

Sorry for my English, I'm Brazilian, I decided to open this topic to find out users' opinions because Nintendo doesn't have an achievement system and it's needed for Switch users

I don't think people who speak a second language should ever have to apologize for not speaking it perfectly. Speaking multiple languages is hard, be proud you can do it.

On topic, I would like Nintendo to do something like that, but I don't care too much. Really they're just gold stars. I prefer when games have in game achievement systems that give some sort of actual in game reward. For example, Kid Icarus Uprising, Mario Odyssey, or Wario Ware, get it together. 

When a game releases on both consoles - say for example, Hollow Knight. I buy the one in the PS5 because of the trophy support. I barely ever take my Switch out of the house so portability doesnt really stand out for me.

You might argue Nintendo doesnt need something like trophies/achievements, you might argue achievements ruin the experience - whatever you wanna argue, im gonna agree with you, thats your personal experience and thats perfectly fine. But I do like having them. I do often set myself as a goal to achieve one of them, or all of them. Its a good gimmick to have and I like it.

I would like to have it. Just makes games more replayable when you have something more to strive for. Hope they do something for their next console.

When achievements first come out I thought they were amazing. But not long after I stopped caring and never pay attention to any of it. I couldn't care less if Nintendo does anything or not.  I have trophy notifications off on my ps5.


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It's not something I personally want, but as long as I could disable notifications and let achievements run in the background, I have no issue whatsoever. I know a lot of users love the extra challenge and bragging rights of achievements, and there's really no drawback to those who are uninterested.

Achievements are just like the hi-score table... most people don't really care about it...

Not personally interested in them, I'm one those that think that is a gimmick, kind of a horse baited with a carrot thing for those that like to be bragging and that at somepoint loses the novelty, but I agree with Veknoid_Outcast if they implemented in an non-intrusive way that can be turned off, then they could implement it for those who want it.

jvmkdg said:

Sorry for my English, I'm Brazilian, I decided to open this topic to find out users' opinions because Nintendo doesn't have an achievement system and it's needed for Switch users

Hello fellow Brazilian, good to see someone else in the same boat as me.

About why Ninty doesn't use trophies or achievements. I have no idea, maybe they are simply too lazy and proud to follow standards set by the competition and industry. 

Another topic, about your possible problems with English. I recommend using a translator:

Not only will it facilitate your immediate communication, but it will help you learn and master the language. Believe me, it's better than an English course.

I personally prefer that Nintendo doesn't have trophies.