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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu Sales: Week 1, 2021 (Dec 28 - Jan 03)

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So are the numbers for Week 1 only or Week 52, 2020 and Week 1, 2021?

Edit: Nevermind, I just saw that the Last Week column are the number from Week 52.

Last edited by TruckOSaurus - on 07 January 2021

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:

So are the numbers for Week 1 only or Week 52, 2020 and Week 1, 2021?

only week 1(53 if you are media create).

Damn, son.
I was not expecting the Switch to break 300K.

Software is for 52/2020 + 1/2021 weeks or just for week 1/2021?

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psychicscubadiver said:

Damn, son.
I was not expecting the Switch to break 300K.

Yeah... the switch has multiple market tear.

The original, when peaks the holidays

And the new, Sony fanbase, then peaks week 1 of the new year.

If sony doesn't make anything, will lose the Japanese market entirely 

Last edited by Agente42 - on 07 January 2021

Ardormor said:

Software is for 52/2020 + 1/2021 weeks or just for week 1/2021?

Again the only week 1 ( or week 53 if you are Media Create)

What an awesome way to start the Year! 300k for the Switch and a clean sweep at the top 10! Hopefully its a top 30 too!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Sony HW sales for Week 1 have decreased 51% YoY in Japan and yes I'm counting PS5 + PS4 vs only PS4 in 2020. That's not a good sign.

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Momtaro still continues its march.