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Forums - Politics Discussion - Are you OK with games becoming more Politically Correct?

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Is PC ruining gaming?

Yes 19 31.67%
No, you're just being silly! Ah 41 68.33%
vivster said:
sales2099 said:

You don’t understand, people don’t want their favourite IPs getting political. It’s not easy to just drop a series you’ve played and loved since it’s inception.

Nothing wrong with loyal players telling developers to keep innovating their series but keep politics out 

It really is easy. You see a game you like and you play it instead of a game you don't like. Just like that.

Videogames are art and if the artists want to have politics in their games, they absolutely should put them in there because it is their project. If it then is successful that means that your preferences are a minority concern.

It’s clearly a gray area. You grew up playing a franchise and the latest one injects politics into it. It’s hard to drop the franchise you love so much....most just keep playing for the parts they like while complaining about the parts they don’t. You thinking one can just drop it out of principle and not bat an eye isn’t a likely scenario. 

A games success depends on it’s gameplay end of the day. The heavy handed political message likely isn’t a deal breaker in itself. Fans have every right to complain about that. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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John2290 said:
I can't stand it in life nor can I games. I'd rather we were all just honest and made fun of each other and ourselves than this nonsense, within reason obviously and in proper context and with social common sense. it restricts some human need to express yourself and causes a tenseness among people, I think laughing is there for a reason. I'd love for the perpetually offended to put it aside and shut up at the bery least, let us be human and don't dilute the humanity reflected in games or other media.

The problem is most humans are assholes, so we do need rules to keep things running smoothly. Some are called laws and others societal standards. Give people absolute freedom and see them completely abuse it and use it to hurt others. The ironic thing right now is that PC culture is used by assholes to hurt others. It's gonna be interesting to see how the next few decades will deal with that.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

No, PC culture isn't ruining gaming.  Just...not even close.

The real culprits are lootboxes, timesavers, roadmaps, anthologies of DLC, basic features held ransom behind paywalls.

"PC culture", be it real or imagined by yourself, isn't responsible for the likes of Battlefront 2, Fallout 76 or Metal Gear Survive.

(it's the 'triple A' standard-stock business model)

SuaveSocialist said:

No, PC culture isn't ruining gaming.  Just...not even close.

The real culprits are lootboxes, timesavers, roadmaps, anthologies of DLC, basic features held ransom behind paywalls.

"PC culture", be it real or imagined by yourself, isn't responsible for the likes of Battlefront 2, Fallout 76 or Metal Gear Survive.

(it's the 'triple A' standard-stock business model)

What you said has merit, much more merit. Doesn’t mean the other isn’t a problem at all. There are degrees and ratios, it’s not one problem and others simply don’t exist. To tell one group that their opinion doesn’t matter isn’t productive to having a civil discussion. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


John2290 said:
vivster said:

The problem is most humans are assholes, so we do need rules to keep things running smoothly. Some are called laws and others societal standards. Give people absolute freedom and see them completely abuse it and use it to hurt others. The ironic thing right now is that PC culture is used by assholes to hurt others. It's gonna be interesting to see how the next few decades will deal with that.

You shouldn't be hurt. You should grow up and take it on the chin, it's only words. We learn as childern to obercome these words by reflecting them. We shouldn't be sheltering our adult selves like we would shelter a child from a nieghbourhood bully. It is a weakening of ourselves and a dilution of the human experience to laugh and joke at each other and call eqch other out on our bullshit and flaws. I get that scaling local relationships to a global community is difficult but going the PC route is not the right approach, it snowballs into a lack of self expression entirely and a suppression of free thought. 

Oh, btw. Have you seen any of the regular outrage news while pandemic has hit us? No, because real life caught up and the people who bitch and moan know full well they are attention seeking toddlers and they need to shut the fuck up when shit gets real. 

The non-PC society is very well preserved. It's just slightly more restrictive. We joke about things we weren't allowed to 10 years ago and in a decade we will joke about this PC nonsense. Yep, it sucks that I cannot openly state how much I reject transgenderism without people trying to ruin my life for it, but it's fine. I have plenty of outlets and if you're together with the right people you can joke about anything.

I fully expect a counter wave to happen within my lifetime. The current freedom and inclusiveness can go both ways. Hardcore SJWs and feminazis are a tiny minority and as soon as the general is bored with it their ideologies will be dropped like nothing. In the meantime it's probably best to not kill yourself over a few words you're not allowed to say in public settings.

Also, you really need to look up the term "confirmation bias", because you're constantly falling into it.

Last edited by vivster - on 29 March 2020

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network
sales2099 said:

Doesn’t mean the other isn’t a problem at all. 

The poll doesn't ask whether PC culture "is a problem", but whether it is "ruining gaming".

Even if it is a problem, it is not one that is ruining gaming.  The 'triple A' business model has staked its claim on that.

I can't think of a single instance that political correctness "ruined" a game for me, but I'm also not focused on things like political correctness when I play a video game, haha.

Add me on Xbox Live: TopCat8

Those who constantly whinge about Political Correctness and their supporters are equally as bad. Let's be realistic here.

Vote with your wallet instead, if a games political messaging is something that turns you off, don't buy that game, it's capitalism at work.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

SuaveSocialist said:
sales2099 said:

Doesn’t mean the other isn’t a problem at all. 

The poll doesn't ask whether PC culture "is a problem", but whether it is "ruining gaming".

Even if it is a problem, it is not one that is ruining gaming.  The 'triple A' business model has staked its claim on that.

It’s all subjective. Arguably having heavy handed political messages in someone’s favourite franchise would “ruin” the experience for them. By contrast they can avoid the micros and enjoy the game for what it is if they aren’t tempted 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Pemalite said:
Those who constantly whinge about Political Correctness and their supporters are equally as bad. Let's be realistic here.

Vote with your wallet instead, if a games political messaging is something that turns you off, don't buy that game, it's capitalism at work.

 But what if the game in question is from your favourite franchise since you were a kid? It’s not so easy to just drop the franchise you’ve loved for years. It’s not so black and white 

These things tend to not be a deal breaker. But it can still take away from the games story appeal. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.