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Forums - General Discussion - What's Better Adulthood or Childhood?

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Adulthood or Childhood?

Adulthood 16 51.61%
Childhood 15 48.39%

What do you prefer, being an adult or an adolescent?


+Less responsibilities

+People take care of you

+Expected to play and have fun

-No money

-People tell you what to do

-Less freedom

-Have to go to school



+More money

+More sex (in theory)


-Have to go to work

-Expected to act responsibly


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Being an independent manchild.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Adulthood has more potential upside than childhood, but much higher difficulty to pull off successfully.

Adulting sucks. I’m a toys r us kid, I don’t wanna grow up!

Adulthood without a question. I do everything I did as a child, except now I do it for fun and not as an escape.

Instead of working tough jobs with little rise in pay, or going to school, I now work a cozy job that lets me pursue my goals independently.

While keeping the full time job is annoying, it is nice to have a stable income and build savings unlike when I was a child completely broke with the crushing thoughts of impending debt to come in college.

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I don't have enough experience with adulthood yet to answer this question.

Adulthood for me.

Childhood, no question.

The littlest things amaze you when you're a child.  You didn't have money, sure, but you didn't need money since you could find enjoyment in just about anything.

Last edited by Paperboy_J - on 05 January 2020

Farsala said:
Adulthood without a question. I do everything I did as a child, except now I do it for fun and not as an escape.

Instead of working tough jobs with little rise in pay, or going to school, I now work a cozy job that lets me pursue my goals independently.

While keeping the full time job is annoying, it is nice to have a stable income and build savings unlike when I was a child completely broke with the crushing thoughts of impending debt to come in college.

I think you have it backwards.  When you're a child you do things for fun, when you're an adult you do them for escape.  At least that's how it seems to me.

I think it depends on when you were born tbh,

See a lot of depressed kids (my guess is mainly cause of social media and no escape from bullying) these days compared to when I was a kid. Surely these will have a better adulthood?