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Forums - Gaming Discussion - BioWare confirms 'Mass Effect: Andromeda' delayed to 2017

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I don't know why, but I smell a remaster Mass Effect trilogy. I'd say something about the NX, but EA is playing the waiting game for it.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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People really need to stop announcing release dates so early until theyre far enough into development to be confident in their release window

StarOcean said:
People really need to stop announcing release dates so early until theyre far enough into development to be confident in their release window

So much this.

This game is one of my must-haves.  I was never very confident in the 2016 release, but the dangling carrot still got my hopes up.

Wasn't it confirmed MONTHS ago ?

When they guess the release window. Companies should just tack on a extra year. In Zelda's case, 3 years.

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Delayed to launch with NX.

TheLastStarFighter said:
Delayed to launch with NX.

In order to sell at most 100K copies.

More like to make use of the PS4K and XB1.5 specs.

Luke888 said:
Wasn't it confirmed MONTHS ago ?

Yea I'm sure it was think the latest articles are just statements from the Financial briefings.

TheLastStarFighter said:
Delayed to launch with NX.

would be pretty nice, but we all know it'll never happen or I guess it depends on if Mother 3 comes or not to the west...

An update on my birthday? Can't wait :o

I thought the game was delayed to 2017 a while ago though.. maybe it was just a rumor and never actually confirmed.