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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Awesome 3D NES voxels in this Firefox Unity Emulator

It only runs on Firefox for now, but some of those voxels are wacky out of place.

Super Mario Bros and Dr. Mario, amongst others, don't look half bad!

If you have Firefox you can visit the beta emulator @

Here are some videos to help those who can't try it yet.

Source [via]


Like the first comment on NL says, "Cease and desist in 3... 2... 1...".

<- Had this in my sig a few years ago

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That is actually very cool.



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.

That was awesome! When I was a kid, this was how I imagined future video games would be!

Of course, they actually wound up much better than I imagined....

O M G that is badass!

Why doesnt my 3DS do that? Nintendo? HIRE this dude, and make it work on the 3DS.

Really liked Megaman like that :D

It looks neat but strange at the same time :p

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It doesn't look that bad, but I prefer 2D.


hope Nintendo would try and give it to the people who bought their games on VC. Cool feature to add.

Neat but ewwww lol.

Obviously it's still a bit rough, but this is awesome! SMB3 would benefit the most from this tbh

This looks like sorcery lol