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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Do you Visit and Comment on Gaming Forums

You can answer this however you want, but especially for the regulars I would like to know why you visit so often, why do you return, why do you comment, etc

EDIT: Also why do you choose VGC to Visit or Gaf in specific?


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I like seeing other people's opinions on various subjects, and I like expressing my own opinions as well.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

"However you want"?




OT: What Ultrashroomz said.


I joined this forum in 2012 when I was working overseas. I was thousands of miles away from home and surrounded by people who didn't understand or appreciate my love for video games. I stumbled upon this site, and, after a few weeks of lurking, I worked up the courage to create an account.

Why did I stay? Despite some truly ugly console wars, this forum is a sanctuary of sorts for me. I can express myself freely, I can communicate with like-minded peers, and everyday I learn something new. The majority of gaming forums are, to quote Ben Kenobi, "wretched hive[s] of scum and villainy," but VGChartz, in general, is full of well-meaning, respectful, passionate fans bursting with news, opinions, and advice about video games.

I wouldn't trade VGChartz for any other community or video game forum.

1) I first started commenting on this gaming forum because it revolves around a subject I like and also because I wanted to improve my English mainly for examinations purposes.
2) I chose VGChartz to visit due to reason mentioned in 1 and since the forums are a huge part of the site unlike IGN ( I had an account there for well over a year before making one here ).
3) I return since it's a fun place, with interesting individuals and along the way I've made a ton of friends and I'm sure that if I keep working at it I will make more. Infact as of lately I never make Video game related threads but their all about VGChartz the users and the site.
4) I comment since I like sharing my thoughts about the various topics at hand.

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It is nice to get an international perspective on things

This forum is just a nice place to be. It is a good place to obtain gaming news, most of the people on the site are great (a number of whom I talk to frequently) and it just has a good vibe about it. Unlike an awful lot of videogame forums, there's not a lot of bitterness and anger, and for the most part people comment here because they simply love gaming; and not for any ulterior motive.

It's something that I don't see changing anytime soon, and as the site is/has gone through a number of transformations I can only see it going from strength to strength from here.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Because otherwise my life wouldn't have a purpose.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Because NeoGaf don't accept my email...

Kills time at work. Sometimes I purposely start a debate (even when I actually agree with the other person) just to make things more entertaining lol