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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bioware sexual preferences patches and packs: a sugestion.

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So... Good idea?

Yes, that would work! 7 38.89%
No man, much worst... 11 61.11%

So, as all of us know, Bioware new gay manifesto is set to release soon: Dragon Age 3 - Inquisition.

Just kidding, but, yes, there is some controversy over the homossexual romance in Dragon Age 3.

Most of it comes from the worries that the thing could not be present in this release (minorities are vocal and homossexuality is in fashion these days), which is already confirmed that will not be the case, meaning: there will be homossexual romance in Dragon Age 3. Actually, one of the main characters is a homossexual.

I don´t care that much, and I guess it is cool for a homossexual to see his preference in a game, it would be a little bitter for some to not have it, I guess. So it is cool.

I will not buy the game, not just because it has gay sex, but mostly because I did not liked Dragon Age 2, but I am happy for those who will buy it.

However, it would pain me that some trophies are attached to homossexual events, cause I enjoy trophies but do not enjoy acting like a homossexual in a video game, or in real life, for that matter. Just the way I have been made I guess.

Well, with all this, my idea and suggestion is the following: there will be a standart version of the game, the game on the disk, and, the most niche options would be avaliable as a paid patch, it has to be paid so people have to do some effort to get this thing.

Here it goes:

- Standart version: Just like Dragon Age 1 and 2: hetero and homossexual romance and, eventually, sex, avaliable. No extra cost.

- Straight as a arrow: Only heterossexual romance and sex. No need to marry before sex. Price: US$0.99

- Old fashioned Church person: Only heterossexual romance and you have to marry before having sex. Price: US$0.99 (I would buy this, as I am a old fashioned church person myself).

- Born this way, can´t help it: Only homossexual romance and sex, but with a lot of dignity. Price: US$0.99

- Merry men of Sodom and Gomorrah: Both hetero and homossexual sex. Also, there is a gay pride parade in every town after you complete all the quests. In this event you can romance a random NPC, but you only have 5 chances to figure it out which one is interested in you. Price: US$0.99

- All out, no bars hold: Same as Merry men of..., plus, some orgies spread through the game, if you can find it. Price: US$ 1,49.

- Man of Sin, crazy sex addict: All the features of the Merry men of Sodom and Gomorrah package, plus, you can have sex with all NPCs, animals and even enemies. Price: US$ 1.99

- Old hollywood package: Just heterossexual romance, ending with a kiss. No sex. US$: 0.99.

- No nothing: no sex or romance whatsoever. Price: US$: 0.99.

By the way, the patch packages in the online stores would show the exact description I have made. As a thanks for the idea EA will grant me the Old Fashioned Church Person package for free, then I will buy the game. Also, they have to promisse me it will not be as awful as Dragon Age 2 was...

So, what do you guys think? (By the way, it is a joke of course, gamers would hate this... =D )

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

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I'm not sure if you're serious, but if you are, don't you think that would be a negative reaction from both sides?

I'm gonna come back to this, but really dude? Over trophies? That's controversy?

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

Joke thread?

naruball said:
I'm not sure if you're serious, but if you are, don't you think that would be a negative reaction from both sides?

Totally, it would be mayhem if they tried this, Mass Effect 3 ending´ levels of anger.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Around the Network
Teeqoz said:
Joke thread?

Yes, but not trolling, just a topic of conversation on how it is impossible to please gamers, no matter what a dev do.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

don´t give ea ideas

Areym said:
I'm gonna come back to this, but really dude? Over trophies? That's controversy?

Let me tell something even more pathetic: in all my life I have reached 100% trophies in only three games, two on PS3 and one on Xbox 360. How ridiculous my complain sound now?

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Ka-pi96 said:
Yeah, that will work well, no one will react negatively to that at all.

I know, right? I am such a genious! That is what I do man, I solve problems. I see a problem and... Bang! It is solved.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.


The trophy set should make it possible to get the platinum / full achievements playing all straight or all gay as well as playing both. If "fantasy fulfillment" is their motivation then it goes against that for the game at launch to force hetero or homo romance on people who just want to play it one way.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix