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Has anyone heard of this game yet? It is developed by an ukrainian Developer called Black Wing Foundation for PS and XBox 360

Developer: Black Wing Foundation

Publisher: TopWare Interactive

Release Date: 19th March 2013

Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox360


In the distant future, the world is rocked to its core by the arrival of the Apocalypse. Though many predicted the ultimate confrontation between the Forces of Good and Evil, no one foresaw that the two forces would eliminate each other and leave the world in ruin. From the ashes of this catastrophic event, a new global government, known as the Regime, rose to power to fill the void left by the previous conflict. However, the Regime uses its militaristic power to spread its oppressive ideologies throughout the world and demands unquestioning obedience from all its subjects. Yet, there are some who refuse to follow in step with the Regime's global vision. Known simply as "the Resistance," this band of freedom fighter seeks to liberate the world from the oppressive rule of the government. United in their desire to stop the Regime, around the globe, Resistance cells disrupt the Regime war machine and bring truth to the world otherwise bombarded by propaganda.


I just read something on Ign about it. Has anyone heard about it?

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This are the only videos I found. The plot sounds interesting

Looks and sounds like a B-grade Binary Domain.

Nice ass, though.

badgenome said:

Looks and sounds like a B-grade Binary Domain.

Nice ass, though.

The second video is from 2008 the first is from PAX 2011 apparently they have changed a lot.

The game do look interesting, but yeah, probably just a B-title.

And they couldn't possibly have made a more original plot?

Around the Network

yep added it to my 360 exclusives thread in 2009 lol
They wanted to release it in Q3 2010 for 360 and PC.

I have researched a bit. The was introduced 2008 as I already mentioned before but then it was running on the source engine, but that was apparently changed after a Publisher was found. Now its running on the Unreal 3 engine.
The content will be split into two plots. One will be a Cover Shooter like Gears of War, and the other a Stealth game alá Metal Gear Solid. I have a little preview from a german site and will add it to the OP. It is a very interesting game, and CD Projekt red has proved that eastern europe can make good games.

The release date is Q3 2012 (June-September)

If it's coming out in the next 3 months they better start promoting the thing, they haven't released so much as a screen shot or trailer since last PAX, and their site is just a teaser image.

And I would really expect a more specific release date by now, my guess is that they will push it back like they have the last few years. It has been scheduled for Q3 2010, 11 and 12.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

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zarx said:
If it's coming out in the next 3 months they better start promoting the thing, they haven't released so much as a screen shot or trailer since last PAX, and their site is just a teaser image.

And I would really expect a more specific release date by now, my guess is that they will push it back like they have the last few years. It has been scheduled for Q3 2010, 11 and 12.

No it is not it will be released 13th March 2013 at least for the Xbox 360

AndrewWK said:
zarx said:
If it's coming out in the next 3 months they better start promoting the thing, they haven't released so much as a screen shot or trailer since last PAX, and their site is just a teaser image.

And I would really expect a more specific release date by now, my guess is that they will push it back like they have the last few years. It has been scheduled for Q3 2010, 11 and 12.

No it is not it will be released 13th March 2013 at least for the Xbox 360

Really? The publisher has it lisred as a Q3 2012 release, and I can't find any reference to a March 13 release...

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!