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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2011 - Round 7


Welcome to the VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2011, please read the rules.

The Rules.

1. Vote from your favourite to least favourite, feel free to copy paste this template and use it. 5p is full points, 1p is 1 point. If you're still unsure ask me for clarification. If your vote is unidentifiable then it won't be counted.

5p - Batman
4p - Spiderman
3p - Superman
2p - Catwoman
1p - Green Lanter.

2. ONE vote per round.
3. Must have over 200 posts.
4. Users in the Tournament CAN vote in EVERY round. Even their own.
5. NO flaming or insults will be tolerated. Not even sly digs.

These are the prelims, the highest 2 voted for out of the 5 will progress.

Previous Rounds: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Non-Gravity Acevil Kowenicki Pezus Blacksaber

Last Round Results:
Reasonable - 106
PullusPardus - 81
NintendoGamer - 68
NeoRatt - 63
VGKing - 42


Around the Network

So far these are the members going through to the next round.

1. Machina
2. Carl
3. Montana Hatchet
4. Axumblade
5. trasharmdsister
6. ioi
7. Yo John
8. Smeags
9. TruckOSaurus
10. Kantor
11. Reasonable
12. PullusPardos


5p Blacksaber
4p Acevil - :P
3p Pezus
2p Kowenicki
1p Non-gravity (I don't really know this person).


5p Blacksaber
4p Acevil
3p Kowenicki
2p Pezus
1p Non-gravity

How many rounds are their going to be- roughly

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

5 pts to Sir Non-Gravity
4 pts for Kowenicki
3 pts for Blacksaber
2 pts for Acevil
1 for pezus

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Around the Network

5p Acevil
4p Blacksaber
3p Kowenicki
2p Non-gravity
1p Pezus

There gave you back your points Acevil now let me burn in little points!

Former something....

5p - Acevil
4p - Blacksaber
3p - Non-gravity
2p - Kowenicki
1p - pezus

This is a tough round.

5 - kowen
4 - non-gravity
3 - Acevil
2 - Blacksaber
1 - pezus


5p - Blacksaber
4p - Acevil
3p - Non-gravity
2p - Kowenicki
1p - Pezus

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

5p Pezus
4p Acevil
3p blacksaber
2p non-gravity
1p kowen

man this game is going faaaaast! :D I think I even missed a round or so

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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