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Forums - General Discussion - Gaming rage! Anyone else have it.

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no,it's not that big of a deal to me.

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My hit list grows bigger by the day.

I don't really rage, but I can be rude to people if they irritate me. But knowing that I will get banned deters me from doing stuff like that. I prefer acting calm and sensible and talking things over, rather than insulting people.

There are times where I do get annoyed because somebody is talking crap, but I don't retaliate.

Angry people always rage about everything that's why they are so angry.

Anyone who's breaking the law is obvious a criminal.

CaptainObvious said:
Angry people always rage about everything that's why they are so angry.

Wow, you really live up to your name xD.

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With all the things that happen in the world even in one's personal life alone, are videogames really worth getting angry over?

The answer is of course, yes!

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