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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vgchartz ranking game--Red Dead Redemption


Update: I have decided to give 800 MS points or a $10 PSN card (sorry Wii only users, I don't know how to get you guys anything) every 3 months to the person who I feel has consistantly had the best reviews in my threads. Hopefully this will inspire even more great reviews in these threads. Your reviews start to count on April 29th 2011 so the person with the best reviews will win at the end of July.



All you have to do is put what score you think the game below deserves, and write a brief explanation as to why it deserves that score.

Voting is open for 3 days, after the 3 day period I will count up all the scores and get the average of the game.  I will be putting up a new thread with a new game every 3 days



1. You had to have played at least enough of the game to form an honest opinion about it

(playing it for 5 minutes is NOT enough time, nor is watching a friend play the game)

2. Scores have to be on a 10 point scale with 7 being average.

3. If you score a game 5 or under, you have to go into great detail as to why you gave it such a low score.

4. A game must have at least 15 people that gave it a score to be counted.

5. If you score a game more than once none of your scores will count

6. Users with less than 50 posts cannot score a game.


Last game was Starcraft 2 with a score of 9.27

Highest score was 10, lowest was 7


Vgchartz score -- 8.20

GamrReview score -- 9.1

Highest score was 10, lowest was 2

My score -- 9.6

Pros -- Great open world western game, impressive attention to detail, good storyline/dialogue, some of the best graphics in an open world game, fun online modes.

Cons -- Missions can get repetitive and boring.


Vgchartz top 12 rated games




Rank Game Score
1 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3) 9.55
2 Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3) 9.52
3 Street Fighter IV (Multi) 9.40
4 Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
5 Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty (PC) 9.27
6 Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii) 9.26
7 The Orange Box (Multi) 9.24
8 Halo Reach (360) 9.23
9 Monster Hunter Tri (Wii) 9.19
10 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) 9.16
11 Halo 3 (360) 9.13
12 New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii) 9.13



   Next game is Demons Souls

To view a list of all games from every game ranking thread click here.
Thanks to Blacksaber for the kick ass logo!

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Finally a game I have played!



- Engaging story full of smart, witty and humoristic events

- You can tell there's a huge research work that went on behind everything the game has to offer

- Beautiful graphics

- Interesting and diversified settings (even though it's impossible to have so many different ecosystems in such a small world lol)

- A great cast of characters. The way they act and the way they talk really makes them real and authentic.

- One of the best endings in video game history



- A rather forgettable multiplayer mode

- I think there's lost potential with many aspects of the game

- Not such a great soundtrack


I give it 9.3/10!

My friends Xbox got the RRoD right after he started playing this. So he sold it to me. After playing it for several hours I now think his Xbox sacrificed itself so my friend wouldn't die of boredom. I only wish mine would have been so kind :( 

4.4. I know the rules say I should go into deeper context if I give it a lower score, but I'm lazy. If you want me to, John, I will though 

Sig thanks to Saber! :D 


awesome game besides the ending and the multiplayer. The expansions were amazing though. and the zomebie campaign is a MUST BUY.


I absolutely love the setting of the game. Wild West > Modern Days. The game itself is also the best looking sandbox game I've ever played. The environments all look great and the characters match it just right.

The story behind the game is awesome.

The characters are also awesome.

Boutros is wrong and the soundtrack is also awesome. See here, here and here for examples.

Several side-missions like Hunting and other minigames like Poker to keep you entertained if you can't pass a mission.

One of the best endings in a video game... Ever. Actually very emotional, which sadly you don't see in videogames all that much.

A Multiplayer mode that's quite fun, along with the usual gametypes you expect to see in a game like this.


The only problems I have with the game were... It was too short, and the best Character Rock* ever created... Died. A few more things could have been improved upon like weapon selections, clothing... Length of the game itself.

Other than those few things, it's an excellent game. One of the best this generation, and the best effort from Rock* since Vice City.


Around the Network

The Good:

- Voice Acting

The Bad:

- Controls are clunky
- Scale is amazing; too bad nothing interesting happenned.
- No point in exploring. Every city practically have the same things.
- Mini-games suck, imo.
- Poker is too slow in this game. No one cares about character animation.
- Duel is uninteresting.
- Having to ride 5 minutes toward your mission destination is dull. And having to do that in every mission is even worse.
- Any small bad thing you do results in a mission fail. Trampled the chicken? Mission failed!!
- First few hours are incredibly tedious with the ranch work. I don't want to herd cows or break horses. Is this a western game or a ranch simulator?
- Random mission encounters quickly get repetitive and the payoff isn't that great.
- You got the best gun from the start. The other guns had poor aiming or reload.
- Bugs & glitches. The game froze me on twice, and it froze while it was autosaving. Thus, my save data got corrupted.

There's probably a lot more that I've missed in the bad section, but I flat out hated this game. It bored me after an hour, but I managed to play it for 10 more hours. I wanted to like this game, because one of my favorite movies is The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

Score: 2.0

SCORE: 10.0


Amazing Graphics, from the horses you ride, wildlife you hunt, the amazing jaw dropping landscape that goes on as far as the eye can see, weather changing from snow graduly appearing as you walk up a mountain, to the thunderstorms that LIGHT up the whole area with a crack of lighting, makes this the best looking game ever made.  Even how the bullet holes appear in bodies from a shotgun to a pistol, it's the small things.

Sounds of every horse step, buckshot, lighting crackle,  birds flying over heard, train off in the distance, to the rattle snake you are about to step on, every sound has a purpose in this game, not just ambient noise. (surround-sound awesomeness)

Voice acting is undoubtedly perfect.

Characters, they bring you into the game.

No Loading times through terrain, just ride, ride, and ride.

Soundtrack is superb

A kickass story, that goes on after, well... spoilers*

So much to do, people running up to you and ask for your help, gambling, bounty, night watch, skinning, hunting, treasures.

It's a change from the typical New York City sandbox game, Finally a WESTERN!

Does DLC count? Zombies!



I want more!

Can't swim, but have you tried swimming with boots on and a gun belt? exactly.

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

Man, when this game released, I didn't want it.  When it got various game of the year awards, I didn't want it.  When I saw it selling for $30, I didn't want it.  Well I went to Gamestop on Friday and try as I might, I couldn't find a game that I felt like buying.  I grabbed RDR with intentions of tossing it on the shelf.  I tried it out for a minute, yesterday and I wasn't too impressed.  I went back to playing Blue Dragon.  I tried it out for about thirty minutes this morning and fell in love!

My affair with sandbox games ended a long time ago with only a couple of exceptions.  This game is one of the exceptions!!  This may be my favorite sandbox game since Saints Row 2.  It's too soon for me to give a rating, though.  I just wanted to chime in since this thread is relative to my current experience.  Carry on.


After GTA III i stopped playing GTA games because i found them laking of variety and the wild west was a real welcome =), the additional content undead nightmare was awesome too, this is one of the best games this generation for me, its far from perfect but the single player was pretty fun.

Carl2291 said:

Boutros is wrong and the soundtrack is also awesome. See here, here and here for examples.

"Compass" is great indeed.

I don't understand why "Far Away" is considered so great. I'm really baffled because I usually have the same opinion as the majority but in that case I'm quite the opposite. The music gives me the shivers. Not good.

I won't say anything about the one with the guy singing as I don't really consider it a music. It's just... a guy singing.


(Bump) lolz