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Man, when this game released, I didn't want it.  When it got various game of the year awards, I didn't want it.  When I saw it selling for $30, I didn't want it.  Well I went to Gamestop on Friday and try as I might, I couldn't find a game that I felt like buying.  I grabbed RDR with intentions of tossing it on the shelf.  I tried it out for a minute, yesterday and I wasn't too impressed.  I went back to playing Blue Dragon.  I tried it out for about thirty minutes this morning and fell in love!

My affair with sandbox games ended a long time ago with only a couple of exceptions.  This game is one of the exceptions!!  This may be my favorite sandbox game since Saints Row 2.  It's too soon for me to give a rating, though.  I just wanted to chime in since this thread is relative to my current experience.  Carry on.