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The Good:

- Voice Acting

The Bad:

- Controls are clunky
- Scale is amazing; too bad nothing interesting happenned.
- No point in exploring. Every city practically have the same things.
- Mini-games suck, imo.
- Poker is too slow in this game. No one cares about character animation.
- Duel is uninteresting.
- Having to ride 5 minutes toward your mission destination is dull. And having to do that in every mission is even worse.
- Any small bad thing you do results in a mission fail. Trampled the chicken? Mission failed!!
- First few hours are incredibly tedious with the ranch work. I don't want to herd cows or break horses. Is this a western game or a ranch simulator?
- Random mission encounters quickly get repetitive and the payoff isn't that great.
- You got the best gun from the start. The other guns had poor aiming or reload.
- Bugs & glitches. The game froze me on twice, and it froze while it was autosaving. Thus, my save data got corrupted.

There's probably a lot more that I've missed in the bad section, but I flat out hated this game. It bored me after an hour, but I managed to play it for 10 more hours. I wanted to like this game, because one of my favorite movies is The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

Score: 2.0