BraLoD said:
Lula is a piece of s. The is nothing naive about it. The thing is that Bolsonaro was so bad, so incredibly unbeliavably bad, that it looks good in comparision. Bolsonaro is pretty much our Trump, basically 1:1, so nothing comes close to it, but Lula is no good at all. I still hate Lula but he was the only escape from Bolsonaro. Just look at the news here, we had an actual coup attempt. I hate Lula because he had the opportunity to do a lot of good to Brazil, and it looked like that was happening way back then before the 2010s, but it was all for the personal benefit of a few, so much corruption going on everywhere, this country could have been so much more. And he was the poor guy with the chance to make things better for us all, which makes it so much worse. To a certain degree it did happen, a lot of what is normal to do and to have here nowdays was a luxury before, but the only reason a monster like Bolsonaro was ever possible as president here was because of how much shit was discovered during the PT government, people's trust was so broken that they started feeding themselves any absurd lies to believe into just so they could pretend to justify themselvest. Which then turned into blind hate and lunacy akin to a cult, where every mistake needs to be justified so they don't ever have to admit being wrong again, doesn't matter how many times they have to flip flop or how absurd it is. Lula is likely only worried about not having to butt heads with a bigger country like the USA or Russia, nothing else, sadly, can't risk making them mad, no matter the kind of atrocity being pulled. |