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The graphics aren't just stagnating but are infact getting worse in many cases over the mid gen refreshes. There is a clear shortfalling over the mid gen refreshes of last gen, I swear many games looked better on my PS4 pro.

Why can't they make use of more powerful hardware. Why are they regressing and bringing things like ailising, pop in and what not which were solved last gen? Is 4k the problem? PS4 PRO done close to 4k without these issues, without sacrificing so damn much to get to 60fps. Even 30fps quality modes seem worse. 

Is it time for them to stop trying to advance graphics and instead make the image quality the best it can be first and foremost? Should the just choose a balance between the two and get rid of options, focusing on the best the balance mode can be...

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 2 hours ago